!!How to log in and access your personal pages
*__To log in:__  Click at the Login Button (right upper corner) and type in your username and password.

*__To determine your username:__ Go to [Acad_Main/List_of_Members|Acad_Main/List_of_Members], choose country and section: you will see your name in the alphabetically arranged list. Click at your name and you are on your personal entry page. This page shows your username and your current email ... __please check that your current email at the AE site is correct!__ 

*__You want a new password:__  Go to the main page [Acad_Main|Acad_Main] and click at "Get Password". Type in your username in the field shown. Then click at the button "Send new password". A new password is sent to you by email immediately. __Attention:__ The new password will be sent to __the email address registered with the Academy.__ This address is also displayd on your personal page.

*To make the password you get easier to remember, log in with your user name and the new password that was sent to you. Then click at "Change Password". Now type in your favourite password twice as requested, and finnish with a click at the button "Save new password".

*__Further questions:__ Contact [office@ae-info.org|mailto:office@ae-info.org].