!!!Beatrice Albertha de Graaf
[{Image src='de_Graaf_Beatrice_fotograaf_David_van_Dam_small.jpg' caption='Photo: David van Dam' alt='Beatrice Albertha de Graaf' height='200'}]
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2019 - present appointed Distinguished Professor at the Humanities Faculty, Utrecht University
* 2020 - present appointed Fellow at the Program on Extremism/ISIS Files, George Washington University/New York Times
* 2016  Visiting scholar, St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge/affiliated to the history faculty, 5 months
* 2014 - present Full Professor for the History of International Relations & Global Governance/Designated Chair within the Strategic Theme ‘Institutions for Open Societies’, full tenured professor & head of the section, Department of History, Utrecht University (45 employees, 31 tenured)
* 2012 - 2014 Professor for Conflict and Security in Historical Perspective, Leiden University/Campus The Hague, Head Academic Research, Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism (now ISGA)
* 2014 - 2016 Chair (with prof. Alexander Rinnooy Kan) of the Dutch National Research Agenda, installed by the Dutch cabinet and Ministry of Eduction. (temporary secondment for 0,6 fte a week)
* 2004 - 2014 a.o., Assistant, then Associate Prof, Utrecht University, Leiden University
* 1999 - 2003  PhD-Student (‘excellent researcher’ with a NWO grant), Utrecht University
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2020 Elected Research Fellow at the GWU Program on Extremism/ISIS Files project
* 2018/9 Stevin Prize, highest academic distinction in the Netherlands (2,5 million euros)
*  Taalstaatmeester (Media Prize for best use of Dutch language and retorics)
* 2018 Honorary doctorate (dr.) awarded by the Protestant Theological University Netherlands (Groningen, Amsterdam)
* 2016 NWO Vrije Competitie Grant, Blueprints of Hope. Designing Post-War Europe; Ideas, Emotions, Networks and Negotiations (1930-1963), 800K
*UU Publiprize, Prize for best presence and public education in the media
*Elected visiting scholar at St. Catherine's & History Faculty at Cambridge University
*2014 European Research Council, Consolidator Grant (1,9 mio Euro), one of 312 grantees out of 3673 submissions. “SECURE. Securing Europe, Fighting it Enemies. The making of a security culture in Europe, and beyond, 1815 - 1918
*Appointed by the Dutch government as Chair of the National Research Agenda, with Alexander Rinnooy Kan, 2014 - 2016
*Elected Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
*2012 'Evaluating Counterterrorism Performance' (2011, monograph) named global top 50 terrorism books (Perspectives on Terrorism)
*2011  Elected member of The Young Academy/Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
*2011 Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Teaching Prize
*2011 Excellent Female Researcher Prize, Dutch Network of Women Professors
*2009 - 2014 Innovation Impuls Grant, NWO, excellent research project, implying 2 PhD’s and a substitute grant for the applicator (VIDI, 800K)
*2006  Utrecht Historical Studies Association ‘young teacher of the year’ award (within the Institute for History)
*2005  Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award (Universiteit Tilburg) 2005, for my PhDThesis
*1999 - 2004  NWO-scholarship award as “excellent researcher”/PhD (ca. 200.000)
*1998   Doctoral exam German literature and Political History; degrees awarded with Highest Distinction (cum laude)

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/de_Graaf_Beatrice_Albertha/CV]
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[Publication list|User/de_Graaf_Beatrice_Albertha/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/de_Graaf_Beatrice_Albertha/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/de_Graaf_Beatrice_Albertha/OtherInformation]

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