\\ [{Image src='Banner_Hipatia_EN_DeF_small.png' caption='' height='200' alt='' align='center'}] \\ %%center !!Biologist and geneticist Svante Pääbo to receive the 5th Hypatia Prize %% __The Swedish researcher, biologist, geneticist and founder of the paleogenetics field of study and 2022 Nobel Prize Laureate, Professor Svante Pääbo, is the winner of the 5th Hypatia Prize. The award carries a monetary prize of 30,000 euros and will be given to Professor Pääbo in a public ceremony in Barcelona City Hall on the 7%%sup th/% April 2025. [Prof. Pääbo|Member/Pääbo_Svante] was elected as member of the [Biochemistry and Molecular Biology|Acad_Main/Sections/Biochemistry_molecular_biology] Section of Academia Europaea in 1998.__ \\ \\ \\ [{Image src='Pääbo_Svante_760x428.jpg' caption='Professor Svante Pääbo' height='400' alt='Svante Pääbo' align='center'}] \\ \\ The international jury valued his innovative work in the sequential genomes of extinct species and peoples, and his revolutionary contributions in paleogenomics which have revealed genetic connections between modern humans and extinct hominins, transforming our understanding of human evolution. He has received other recognition, such as the [Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Nobel Prize to Svante Pääbo] in 2022 and the Príncipe de Asturias award. \\ The Major of Barcelona invites you to attend the award ceremony for the fifth edition of the Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize. !Registrations: [aebarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat|mailto:aebarcelona@fundaciorecerca.cat] !The Hypatia Prize The Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize is awarded by the [Barcelona City Council|https://www.barcelona.cat/barcelonaciencia/ca/recerca/recerca-la-ciutat/premi-europeu-de-ciencia-hipatia] in collaboration with the [Academia Europaea–Barcelona Knowledge Hub|https://aebarcelona.eu/en]. The Hypatia Prize was created in 2018 as one of the measures in the first Barcelona Science Plan. Its goal is to give visibility to excellence in research in Europe and provide a boost for Barcelona as a European Capital of Science and Knowledge. \\ !Past awardees *2018 First edition (Science and Technology): Mathematician [László Lovász|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize] *2019 - 2020 Second edition (Life and Health Sciences): Virologist [Ilaria Capua|Acad_Main/Barcelona_Knowledge_Hub_Events/Ilaria Capua] *2021 Third edition (Humanities and Social Sciences): Philosopher of science [Nancy Cartwright|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/BARCELONA HYPATIA EUROPEAN SCIENCE PRIZE] *2023 Fourth edition (Science and Technology): International expert in Artificial Intelligence (AI) [Nuria Oliver|Acad_Main/Barcelona_Knowledge_Hub_Events/BARCELONA HYPATIA EUROPEAN SCIENCE PRIZE 2023] \\ ---- \\ [{Image src='07-Generic_EN.jpg' caption='' height='350' alt='Hypatia Prize' align='center'}]