[{Image src='Wolf_Foundation_Logo.png' caption='' height='200' alt='Wolf Foundation' align='center'}]
__[The Wolf Prizes|https://wolffund.org.il/the-wolf-prize] in the sciences and the arts are awarded annually since 1978 to outstanding scientists and artists for their achievements for the benefit of humanity and brotherly relations among people, regardless of nationality, race, color, religion, gender, or political views. To date, 382 scientists and artists from all over the world have been awarded the prestigious Wolf Prize.
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Prize fields in sciences include Agriculture, Chemistry, Mathematics, Medicine, and Physics. Prize fields in the Arts include
Architecture, Music, Painting and Sculpture. Every year, the Wolf Foundation awards four prizes in the Sciences and one
prize in the Arts. Each prize consists of a diploma and 100,000$. In the event of co-recipients sharing one prize, the
honorarium is equally divided among them.__

!Process of Nomination

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1. In accordance with the Wolf Prize principle of rotation, candidate(s) for the 2025 prize can be nominated only in
one of the following five scientific fields: Physics, Chemistry, Medicine and Agriculture.
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2. An international Prize Committee selects the Wolf Prize Laureate(s) in each field. The committee’s decisions are final
and irrevocable.
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3. One, two, or three candidates may be nominated to receive the prize.
*A joint nomination recognizes only collaborative work or work contributing similarity or additively to the same specific sub-field. In this case, each candidate should be nominated using a separate form, with the jointly filed candidate mentioned in the appropriate place.

*If a joint nomination is for collaborative work, please state this at the beginning of the "Brief Description" section. Please specify the contribution of each candidate to their joint achievement.

*A joint nomination serves only as a recommendation for the committee. The committee reviews each candidate individually.
4. A Nominator may submit more than one nomination package (for different candidates).



__5. The submission package should include:__
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a. __A duly completed Nomination Form.__ Please fill out all fields according to the instructions without exceeding
the allotted space.
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b. __Three or four letters of support__ from experts who are not affiliated with the candidate's institution. The letters
of support can be written as a collaborative letter of recommendation. The signed letters must be written on
formal letterhead. An additional letter from the candidate's institution may be added.
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c. __A recent candidate's photograph__ at high resolution of at least 300 dpi.
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d. __A short biography__, up to one page.
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__6. Submitting the nomination package:__
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a. Submission via E-Mail only to: [Office@wolffund.org.il|mailto:Office@wolffund.org.il]\\
b. __Submission Deadline: November 1st, 2024.__\\
c. The Form must be completed in full and typewritten in English, font size 11.\\
d. Edited Official Form will not be accepted. Do not make changes using editing software in the original form.\\
e. Please send us all nomination materials in a single E-mail message.\\
f. All files should be named according to their contents including the candidate name. For example: Gross photo,
Gross form etc.\\
g. __DO NOT PRINT AND SCAN__ the Nomination Form.\\
h. __DO NOT LOCK DOCUMENTS__ with passwords.\\
i. Each nomination is automatically valid for three cycles. The nominator can update the nomination at any time
during this period. After three cycles a new nomination package is required.
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__7. Limitations:__
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a. The Prize is awarded to individuals, not to institutions.\\
b. A person cannot nominate himself/herself.\\
c. Nobel Prize Laureates will not be considered, unless their nomination is proposed for an achievement entirely
different from the one recognized by the Nobel Prize.\\
d. Please note that the Wolf Prize is awarded for significant breakthroughs and not for an exemplary career or
leadership in a particular field.\\
If you need assistance, contact the Wolf Foundation at [Office@wolffund.org.il|mailto:Office@wolffund.org.il]
!DOWNLOAD THE [NOMINATION FORM|Wolf Prize-Science Nomination Form.pdf]