!!Invitation to Collaborate on Developing a Guideline for Effective Policy Impact

__[Prof. Eva Kondorossi|Member/Kondorosi_Éva], the Chair of the Life Sciences class and [Prof. Péter Hegyi|Member/Hegyi_Péter], the Chair if the [Clinical and Veterinary sciece|Acad_Main/Sections/Clinical_and_veterinary_science] section and Academic Director of the [Budapest Knowledge Hub|https://mta.hu/aebudapest] invite the members of the Life Sciences Class (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Cell and Developmental Biology, Physiology and Neuroscience and Clinical and Veterinary Science sections) to participate in an initiative aimed at bridging the gap between scientific research and policy-making. __
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__The members are invited to join in developing a comprehensive guideline that will facilitate the effective translation of scientific findings into policy decisions.__
!Position paper outlining the need for and approach to this guideline
''Dear Academia Europaea Members,
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We would like to invite you __to develop a position paper__ of AE for the early utilization of scientific results.
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We are writing to bring to your attention a critical issue that has persisted within our scientific community — the difficulty in translating scientific achievements and research outcomes back to daily patient care. A significant factor contributing to this challenge is that __our research findings often do not effectively reach or influence policymakers. Many policymakers__, not being specialists in scientific research, find the technical nature of the papers inaccessible, which in turn hampers their ability to make informed decisions on matters related to efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of clinical interventions.
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To address this unmet need, __we initiate a project that aims to make scientific papers more accessible to non-specialist stakeholders__, especially policymakers. Our proposal includes a novel approach in the discussion sections of scientific papers, including a distinct, easily understandable figure summarizing implications for policymakers. This visual representation is designed to bridge the gap between complex scientific data and policy-making needs, ensuring that pivotal decisions are informed by solid scientific evidence.
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We believe this initiative could __significantly enhance the translation of research into policy and practice__, but it requires collaborative effort and consensus. Therefore, we invite you to participate in this project to refine this proposal and explore the potential for publishing an __Academia Europaea position paper__ on this vital topic. This paper will highlight the importance of clear communication in scientific research and its implications for policy-making.
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Attached, you will find a short PowerPoint presentation outlining our proposed changes. We would greatly appreciate your insights and contributions in this project.
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Please RSVP, but no later than __27%%sup th/% June 2024__, to the email address of [ae.clinvetsci@gmail.com|mailto:ae.clinvetsci@gmail.com] if you would like to participate in the project. The online meeting is expected to be convened in the first two weeks of July. We look forward to the opportunity of working together with you. ''
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__Péter Hegyi__ MAE\\
Chair of Academia Europaea Clinical and Veterinary Sciences Section Academic Director of Academia Europaea Budapest Hub
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on behalf of\\
__Éva Kondorosi__ MAE\\
Chair of Academia Europaea Class C
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*Download a [detailed proposal|AE-POLICY MAKERS.pdf] on including an "implementation for policy makers" section in scientific publications
*Download the [position paper|Invitation - AE position paper.pdf]

!The participation and insights of members of Academia Europaea are crucial for the success of the project. If you are interested in contributing, please RSVP by 20 June 2024 to [ae.clinvetsci@gmail.com|mailto:ae.clinvetsci@gmail.com].

!An online meeting is planned for the first two weeks of July to discuss the project further.