__The Academia Europaea are pleased to announce the publication of the [G-20|https://www.g20.org/en] Science network communique. The Academia Europaea was invited to participate in the [Science network (S-20) process|https://s20brasil.org/en/s20-brasil-english] that is associated with the G-20, acting at the request of the [European Commission|https://commission.europa.eu/index_en]. The EU has permanent observer status at both the G-20 and the G-7. Academia Europaea provided AE member experts to all five topic panels.__
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Academia Europaea has played a pivotal role in the __Science20__ (S20), an influential platform that bridges the gap between scientists and global policymakers. Under Brazil's __G20__ presidency in 2024, AE actively contributed to the theme Science for Global Transformation, focusing on critical issues like __AI__, __bioeconomy__, __energy transition__, __health__, and __social justice__. This involvement highlights AE's dedication to leveraging scientific expertise to shape impactful global policies and drive meaningful change on the world stage​. 
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The President – [Marja Makarow|Member/Makarow_Marja], the Vice President – [Donald Dingwell|Member/Dingwell_Donald] and the Treasurer [Stephen Evans|Member/Evans_Stephen], variously attended plenary meetings in Rio in this role.  We would like to thank our members Professors [Erol Gelenbe|Member/Gelenbe_Erol], [Phoebe Koundouri|Member/Koundouri_Phoebe], [Alexander Zehnder|Member/Zehnder_Alexander], [Eva Kondorosi|Member/Kondorosi_Éva] and [Gustaf Arrhenius|Member/Arrhenius_Gustaf]  who together provided their expertise in the development of the topics that form the communique.
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[{Image src='Marja Colour (1).png' caption='Professor Marja Marakow, President of Academia Europaea speaking at the S-20 conference' height='300' alt='Marja Makarow' align='center'}]
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More details information on the __G-20__ and associated __S-20__ process, the themes selected and the final communique can be found at [https://s20brasil.org/en/s20-brasil-english]. 
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Download the [communiqué|Communiqué - S20 Brasil 2024.pdf].\\
Watch the [video|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yM9seNFXqJU] from the Science for Global Transformation - S20 Inception Meeting - March 11, 2024, with an address by Professor Marja Makarow (skip to 3:47:00).
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