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!!Reclaiming Europe
__In the course of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine it has become clear that expertise on the countries often misleadingly grouped under the label “Eastern Europe” has been neglected and marginalised in Germany and its western neighbour states. The diversity of these countries in the north, south and centre of the continent is enormous.
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Several academic institutions have therefore formulated a manifesto entitled “Reclaiming Europe”, coordinated by the [Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities|https://www.bbaw.de/publikationen/reclaiming-europe]. __
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The manifesto proposes guiding principles for a changed attitude – in a spirit of cooperation – with the scientific communities in the area called “Eastern Europe”, but which is to be reclaimed as a central terrain of the European landscape. The manifesto will serve as the basis for various activities dealing with the consequences of the war and aiming at a new phase of European rapprochement, also in academia. In particular, it serves as a starting point for the work of the “__Young Network TransEurope__”, a network of excellent mid-career scholars, which will begin its work in October 2024 (cf.: [https://www.bbaw.de/en/young-network-transeurope]).
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The [Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities|https://www.bbaw.de] and its partner organisations are grateful for every additional signature of the manifesto. Should you have questions or comments, please contact __Roland Römhildt__, Officer for International Relations at BBAW ([roland.roemhildt@bbaw.de|mailto:roland.roemhildt@bbaw.de]). 
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Professor Marja Makarow, the President of Academia Europaea has already signed the manifesto on behalf of AE.

!Prof. Makarow calls upon the members of Academia Europaea to also sign the [manifesto|https://www.bbaw.de/publikationen/reclaiming-europe].
In her letter to Dr. Römhildt, Prof. Makarow writes:
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"''The aim of YTN is so extremely valuable, the concept intelligent, the actors well chosen, and the need urgent, and you are right in highlighting the individual characters of the countries that the EU calls Widening countries ...''
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''... The areas you mention that require support and collaborative efforts are freedom, democracy and prosperity. They call for experts in Humanities and Social Sciences. The YTN would serve as a showcase how much we need expertise in HSS areas, and how much they can give, in these times where high-tech, innovation and start-ups are highlighted. They of course can bloom only in the context of freedom and democracy, and also require resources that are available in prosperous societies.''"