!!!President's page
[{Image src='Makarow_Marja_small.jpg' caption='' height='200' alt='Marja Makarow' class='image_left'}]
!October 2022
!Dear members of the Academia Europaea, members of the Young Academy and guest readers,
I am looking forward to our [33rd “Building Bridges” annual member conference|http://www.buildingbridges-acadeuro.org] in __Barcelona__ in two week’s time (25-27 October). You can still [register|http://www.buildingbridges-acadeuro.org/registration]. I am particularly looking forward to welcoming many of the new members elected in the past two, difficult COVID limited years, into our community of scholars.  You are joining a community of excellence with a global impact and span.
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To highlight this, it is with great pleasure that I can send collective congratulations, to those __Academia Europaea__ members who will be awarded the distinction of a __Nobel Prize 2022__. These awards are both singular honours and in a real way reflect the scientific and scholarly excellence that our Academy reflects. So, congratulations to the following members who now join the distinguished list of members of __Academia Europaea__ that have received a [Nobel prize in earlier years|Acad_Main/Members/Prizes_Awards_and_Medals/Nobel_Prize]:
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[Alain Aspect|Member/Aspect_Alain] (France) – elected to our academy in 2009 ([Physics and Engineering Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Physics_engineering_sciences]), and [Anton Zeilinger|Member/Zeilinger_Anton] (Austria), elected in 2011 ([Informatics Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Informatics]) who receive the [2022 Nobel Prize in Physics|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Nobel Prize to Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger].
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[{Image src='Aspect_Alain.jpg' caption='Professor Alain Aspect' height='200' alt='Alain Aspect'}]
[{Image src='Zeilinger_Anton.jpg' caption='Professor Anton Zeilinger' height='200' alt='Anton Zeilinger'}]
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The [Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Nobel Prize to Svante Pääbo] will be awarded to [Svante Pääbo|Member/Pääbo_Svante] (Sweden) - elected to our Academy in 1998 ([Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Biochemistry_molecular_biology]).
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[{Image src='Paabo_Svante.jpg' caption='Professor Svante Pääbo' height='200' alt='Svante Pääbo' class='image_left'}]
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__However, members have also been recognised through other international awards:__
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[Dorthe Dahl-Jensen|Member/Dahl-Jensen_Dorthe] (Denmark) - elected in 2022 and [Johannes Oerlemans|Member/Oerlemans_Johannes] (The Netherlands) - elected in 1989, have both won [2022 Balzan Prizes|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Balzan Prize 2022] and are members of the [Earth and Cosmic Sciences Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences].
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[{Image src='Dahl-Jensen_Dorthe02.jpg' caption='Prof. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen' height='200' alt='Dorthe Dahl-Jensen'}]
[{Image src='Oerlemans_Johannes.jpg' caption='Prof. Johannes Oerlemans' height='200' alt='Johannes Oerlemans'}]
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[Hugo Duminil-Copin|Member/Duminil-Copin_Hugo] (France) - elected in 2019, [James Maynard|Member/Maynard_James] (UK) - elected in 2020 and [Maryna Viazovska|Member/Viazovska_Maryna] (Ukraine) - elected in 2021, have all been awarded a [Fields medal|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/2022 Fields medal awarded to 3 Academy members] this year. They are members of our [Mathematics Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Mathematics].
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[{Image src='Duminil-Copin_Hugo.jpg' caption='Prof. Hugo Duminil-Copin' height='200' alt='Hugo Duminil-Copin'}]
[{Image src='Maynard_James_small.jpg' caption='Prof. James Maynard' height='200' alt='James Maynard'}]
[{Image src='Viazovska_Maryna_small.jpg' caption='Prof. Maryna Viazovska' height='200' alt='Maryna Viazovska'}]
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Also two members of the [Mathematics Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Mathematics], [Noga Alon|Member/Alon_Noga] (elected 2008 - Israel) and [Ehud Hrushovski|Member/Hrushovski_Ehud] (elected 2018 - Israel/UK) and [Michael Perryman|Member/Perryman_Michael] (elected 1998 - UK), member of the [Earth and Cosmic Sciences Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences], were awarded the [Shaw Prize|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/2022 Shaw Prize].
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[{Image src='Alon_Noga.jpg' caption='Professor Noga Alon' height='200' alt='Professor Noga Alon'}]
[{Image src='Hrushovski_Ehud_small.jpg' caption='Professor Ehud Hrushovski' height='200' alt='Professor Ehud Hrushovski'}]
[{Image src='Perryman_Michael_small.jpg' caption='Professor Michael Perryman' height='200' alt='Professor Michael Perryman'}]
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[Katalin Karikó|Member/Karikó_Katalin] (Hungary) - elected in 2020 and a member of the [Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Section|Acad_Main/Sections/Biochemistry_molecular_biology], was awarded the [2022 Tang Prize|Acad_Main/News2_Archive/Katalin Karikó].
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[{Image src='Kariko_Katalin_0512 02020_small.jpg' caption='Prof. Katalin Karikó' height='200' alt='Katalin Karikó'}]

!The Academy will be there to help and support a member in pursuit of international prizes.

[Marja Makarow|Member/Makarow_Marja]\\
October 2022
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