!!Call for participation - Academia Europaea Translational Medicine (AETM) Working Group

At the meeting of class C at the __Academia Europaea__ annual conference in October in Barcelona, members of the class discussed in detail the __Academia Europaea Translational Medicine Programme__ plan. One of the most significant decisions was the establishment of the __Academia Europaea Translational Medicine (AETM) Working Group__.
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The primary objective of the AETM working group is __to process, interpret and publish the full European coverage data__ in the biomedical field collected by the __European Union Statistical Office__. This excellent database has enormous value in the hands of excellent experts. All AE members from all disciplines are welcome to contribute to the working group. As a result of scientific activity, we plan to __publish highly important publications in distinguished journals__.
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Read the [detailed information and proposed rules and regulations|AETM-WG General conditions.pdf].

!Please send your interest to [ae.clinvetsci@gmail.com|mailto:ae.clinvetsci@gmail.com] by 23 December 2022.

[Peter Hegyi|Member/Hegyi_Péter]\\
Chair of the __Academia Europaea__ [Clinical and Veterinary Sciences|Acad_Main/Sections/Clinical_and_veterinary_science] section
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[{Image src='AE_translational_medicine_working_group.png' caption='' height='200' alt='Academia Europaea Translational Medicine (AETM) Working Group'}]