[{Image src='Wojs_Arkadiusz_2020.jpg' caption='Photo: Bartek Sadowski' height='300' alt='Arkadiusz Wojs' class='image_left'}]
!!Professor Arkadiusz Wójs elected Rector of the Wroclaw Polytechnics

[Professor Arkadiusz Wójs|Member/Wójs_Arkadiusz], __Academic Director__ of the Academia Europaea [Wroclaw Knowledge Hub|https://acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] and member of the Physics and engineering sciences section was elected Rector of the [Wrocław University of Science and Technology|https://pwr.edu.pl/en/university/news/professor-arkadiusz-wojs--the-15th-rector-of-the-wust-10416.html]. 
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Professor Wójs who is currently the dean of the Faculty of Fundamental Problems of Technology is the youngest of all rectors in history of the third largest polytechnic in Poland. His prime goal was science excellence and expanding links to the world of science and engineering at a very top.
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During his scientific career prof. Arkadiusz Wójs also worked at the National Research Council of Canada, at the University of Tennessee and at the University of Cambridge. He lectured at many universities in the world.

!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Wójs to this achievement and honour!