!!Dimitrie Cantemir Medal awarded to Prof. Sierd Cloetingh and Prof. Eva Kondorosi
[Prof. Sierd Cloetingh|Member/Cloetingh_Sierd], former president of Academia Europaea, and [Prof. Eva Kondorosi|Member/Kondorosi_Éva], Chair of the Life Sciences Class of Academia Europaea received the Dimitrie Cantemir Medal at the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in Chisinau on 14 June 2023 from [Ion Tiginyanu|Member/Tiginyanu_Ion] MAE, President of the [Academy of Sciences of Moldova|https://www.asm.md].__
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The two laureates each gave a scientific lecture before the award ceremony; Prof. Kondorosi on “''The Nitrogen Crisis and the Road to Sustainable Agriculture''”, Prof. Cloetingh on “''Geodynamics and Continental Topography''”.
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[{Image src='Kondorosi_Eva.jpg' caption='Prof. Eva Kondorosi' height='350' alt='Kondorosi_Eva.jpg'}]
[{Image src='Cloetingh_Sierd_03.jpg' caption='Prof. Sierd Cloetingh' height='350' alt='Cloetingh_Sierd_03.jpg'}]
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!About the prize

The Dimitrie Cantemir Medal, named after the [Moldavian prince and scientist|https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimitrie_Cantemir] (1673-1723), is the highest award of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.