!!Meeting of the Academia Europaea Knowledge Hubs

__The AE Knowledge Hubs met on 18th May 2023 in Wrocław, Poland, in connection with the Wrocław Knowledge Hub's Jubilee meeting on the premises of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
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[{Image src='AE_Hub_meeting_Wroclaw_May2023_small.jpg' caption='Katarzyna Majkowska (Wrocław), Dana Kaiser (Graz), Helmut Leitner (Graz), Nils Olav Sæverås (Bergen) Friederike Brandthaus (Munich), Nóra Deák (Budapest), Sofia Kobakhidze (Tbilisi), Anna Jarosz (Wrocław) (left to right)' height='500' alt='' align='center'}]
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Representatives of the __Academia Europaea Knowledge Hubs__ and the __Graz Information Center__ discussed the most crucial aspects of the Hubs’ activities: past and upcoming events, strategies, approaches and accomplishments. The meeting provided an excellent occasion not only to share experiences and tools that proved to be efficient during the last year but also to get acquainted with the newest leading trends to implement innovation on the local grounds.
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The close collaboration between the __Academia Europaea Knowledge Hubs__ in Barcelona, Bergen, Budapest, Cardiff, Munich, Tbilisi, Wrocław and the Graz Information Center aims at meeting contemporary challenges of today's academia and providing a platform for an efficient representation and presence of __Academia Europaea__ in the media.
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