[{Image src='Crutzen_Paul.jpg' caption='' height='370' alt='Paul Crutzen' class='image_left'}]
!!Paul J. Crutzen (1933 - 2021)

__Academia Europaea is greatly saddened to announce the death of [Professor Paul J. Crutzen|Member/Crutzen_Paul], a founding member of Academia Europaea, an [Erasmus Medal|Acad_Main/Activities/Awards_and_Prizes/Erasmus_Medal/Erasmus_Award] winner 1997 and a distinguished member of the [Earth and Cosmic sciences section|Acad_Main/Sections/Earth_cosmic_sciences] of the Academy on 28 January 2021.__
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__[Professor Sierd Cloetingh|Member/Cloetingh_Sierd], the President of Academia Europaea, writes:__
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__''"Paul Crutzen was passionate in his science and will be remembered for his ground-breaking research and its impact on the response of the international community to the treat on the Ozon layer, for which he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. He was also deeply committed to his societal responsibility on environmental issues in general, such as global warming as a role model for many. Apart from this, he served the scientific community through generous and dedicated community service.''__
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__''Paul Crutzen was also one of the founders of Academia Europaea as well as of  the European Research Council. Paul was a warm and very modest personality''.__
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__''We miss him dearly."''__
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[Obituary|https://www.mpg.de/16360356/nobel-laureate-paul-j], Max Planck Society.
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[{Image src='AE_founding_2021.jpg' caption='Prof. Paul Crutzen at the 1988 meeting of the Founding Members in Cambridge' height='600' alt='' align='center'}]