[{Image src='Muysken_Pieter_small.jpg' caption='' height='350' alt='Pieter Muysken' class='image_left'}]
!!Pieter Muysken (1950 – 2021)

__Academia Europaea is greatly saddened to announce the death of [Professor Pieter Muysken|Member/Muysken_Pieter] on April 6, 2021. Professor Muysken was member of the Academy since 2010 and a valued member of the Linguistics section.__
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The Linguistic section mourns the loss of a great and admired linguist who was "''an authority on several
phenomena exotic from the Indo-European point of view, but frequent in American and Asian languages''". 
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[Obituary|https://neerlandistiek.nl/2021/04/what-pieter-muysken-meant-for-us], Neerlandistiek (in English)\\
[Obituary|https://neerlandistiek.nl/2021/04/llamada-lo-que-pieter-muysken-significo-para-nosotros], Neerlandistiek (in Spanish)\\
[Obituary|https://neerlandistiek.nl/2021/04/chamada-o-que-pieter-muysken-significou-para-nos], Neerlandistiek  (in 
[Obituary|https://neerlandistiek.nl/2021/04/oproep-de-betekenis-van-pieter-muysken], Neerlandistiek (in Dutch)