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!! Stig Strömholm celebrates his 90th birthday

__On 16 September, the third President of Academia Europa, [Professor em. Stig Strömholm|Member/Strömholm_Stig], is honoured on his 90th birthday with a seminar in the Aula of Uppsala University on the development of legal protection of personal integrity in the last half century. On the same day, he is publishing an article in a leading Swedish newspaper on changes of North European university architecture in the nineteenth century. He became Professor of General Jurisprudence at Uppsala University in 1969 and subsequently held a Chair in Civil Law, including International Private Law from 1982 until his retirement in 1997. In the years 1989-1997, he served as Vice-Chancellor (Rector magnificus) of Uppsala University. He became the third President of Academia Europaea in 1997 and served the Academy in this position until 2003. __
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Throughout his career, Professor Strömholm has been a steadfast and towering representative of European academic scholarship and culture. He has pursued substantial parts of his own education and career in France, Germany and Great Britain and has been honoured by honorary doctorates, academic awards, including the __Academia Europaea__ [Erasmus Medal|Acad_Main/Activities/Awards_and_Prizes/Erasmus_Medal/Erasmus_Award] in 2004, and crucial positions, including presidencies of two Royal Swedish Academies and well as that of Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation).
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Professor Strömholm stands out as a vigorous defender of university autonomy and curiosity-driven research. Apart from his purely academic research, he is also a novelist and essayist whose works have been translated into several languages.

!!Academia Europaea warmly congratulates one of its earliest and most prominent members. 
Watch an [interview|Acad_Main/About_us/History/Founding_Visions/Strömholm_Stig] with Stig Strömholm by [Anne Buttimer|Member/Buttimer_Anne], former Vice-president of __Academia Europaea__. The interview was recorded in 2009.