!!Vautrin Lud Prize in Geography awarded to Anne Buttimer
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It is with pleasure that I inform you that Professor [Anne Buttimer|User/Buttimer_Anne] (University College Dublin) was awarded, on October 5, 2014, the prestigious Vautrin Lud Prize in Geography, considered as the "Nobel" of geography, during the International Festival of Geography in Saint Dié des Vosges (France). The Prize is awarded by an international jury, following the procedure of the Nobel Prizes, choosing the laureate among nominees from all over the world for their life time achievements in geography Without doubt Dr Buttimer is a geographer whose name is at the top of any list based on dedication, service, productivity and perseverance in the name of the geographic profession. In addition to being a stellar research scholar she has served the field in a number of capacities, as the President of the International Geographical Union (IGU) 2000-2004 and most recently (2014) as Vice-President of Academia Europaea (the first geographer to be elected to this position).
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Her distinguished career reflects major achievements in all three of those areas (research, teaching and service) which are recognized as constituting the role and duty of academic scholars. In addition, her special linguistic abilities combined with her intellectual talents place her at the forefront in international geographical activities; a fact attested to, when, on January 27, 2012 she became the first woman and first human scientist to be awarded an honorary doctorate in Grenoble, France. In April 2014 she was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Honors of the Association of American Geographers.
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The importance of her research is reflected in the fact that she has published 13 books, 14 book chapters (since 2000) and dozens of peer reviewed articles that have been printed in more than ten languages and that she has lectured (including many keynote addresses) on all of the world’s continents.
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Antoine Bailly\\
Professor Emeritus\\
2011 Vautrin Lud Prize
!!Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Buttimer to this outstanding distinction!

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