[{Image src='After_the_new_normal.jpg' caption='' height='300' alt='After the new normal' class='image_left'}]
!!After the new normal\\Scenarios for Europe in the post Covid-19 world

__Read a new publication by the [Publication Office of the European Union|https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/fcb24683-b3bf-11ec-9d96-01aa75ed71a1/language-en/format-PDF/source-254392342].__
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The [paper|[After_the_new_normal.pdf] examines possible futures of 2040 for the EU emerging from the crisis of the pandemic, as possible contexts for EU R&I. The five scenarios described in this report chart different possible post-Covid-19 evolution paths, creating new perspectives on key EU R&I policy issues.
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The purpose of the study '__After the new normal: scenarios for Europe in the post Covid-19__' world was to chart the scope of change that the Covid-19 pandemic may bring to the context of the EU itself and EU R&I policy. Five scenarios were designed in a process including the Horizon Europe Network - with horizon scanning, online workshops and scenario writing. The five context scenarios are: The long recession, Back to ‘normal’? Big Tech shapes Europe, The Circular Economy and Green Utopia - new hope. They include the numerous disruptions to our daily lives from the Covid-19 lock-downs to 2040 and describe the extent, to which the pandemic might raise new requirements for the EU’s future policy frameworks, initiatives and programmes, for example in terms of impact, time horizon of projects or investments.
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__Published:__ 2022-04-01\\
__Corporate author(s):__ Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (European Commission)\\
__Personal author(s):__ Cuhls, Kerstin ;  Rosa, Aaron ;  Weber, Matthias ;  Giesecke, Susanne ;  Wasserbacher, Dana ;  Könnölä, Totti\\
__ISBN 978-92-76-48939-9__\\
__DOI 10.2777/21884__
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