!!EASSH - European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities

Academia Europaea is now associated to the [European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanties (EASSH)|http://www.eassh.eu].
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The EASSH brings together scientific networks, associations, disciplines and universities. The main purpose of EASSH is to promote research on social sciences and humanities as a resource for Europe and the world.
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EASSH is a channel to and from the social sciences and humanities for the research system of civil society, policy makers, advisors, public-private partnerships, administrators and practitioners. 
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EASSH advises on architectures, frameworks and processes of multi-national and European research programmes.
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EASSH highlights the potential of the social sciences and humanities to contribute to the benefit, innovation and resilience of societies.
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!Academia Europaea representatives:
[{Image src='drotner_kirsten_small.jpg' caption='[Kirsten Drotner|Member/Drotner_Kirsten], (main representative)' height='200' alt='Kirsten Drotner' class='image_left'}]
[{Image src='Holm_Poul2015.jpg' caption='[Poul Holm|Member/Holm_Poul]' height='200' alt='Kirsten Drotner' class='image_left'}] 
[{Image src='Larsen_Svend.jpg' caption='[Svend Erik Larsen|Member/Larsen_Svend_Erik] ' height='200' alt='Svend Erik Larsen'}] 
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[{Image src='EASSH.gif' caption='' height='130' alt='EASSH' link='http://www.eassh.eu'}]