!!Full Programme Published for the 2024 ALLEA General Assembly
!22–23 May, Berlin
ALLEA is celebrating its 30th anniversary at the [2024 General Assembly|https://www.alleageneralassembly.org] in Berlin, co-hosted by its German member academies: [German National Academy of Sciences – Leopoldina|https://www.leopoldina.org/en/leopoldina-home], [Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities|https://www.akademienunion.de/en], and [German Young Academy – Die Junge Akademie|https://www.diejungeakademie.de/en].__
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__A public symposium, titled ‘''European Research Collaboration in a Shifting Geopolitical Landscape: How Open Can We Be?''‘, will bring together prominent researchers, policymakers, and civil society representatives from across Europe to discuss the challenges of open research collaboration in a changing geopolitical context. The symposium will be an enriching platform for intellectual discourse and collaborative exchange.__
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[Prof. Fabiola Gianotti|Member/Gianotti_Fabiola] MAE, CERN Director-General and recipient of the 2023 ALLEA Madame de Staël Prize for Cultural Values, will deliver the opening keynote. Joining her for a thought-provoking panel discussion afterwards, esteemed speakers will include: Katja Becker (German Research Foundation – DFG), Nienke Buisman (European Commission), Janneke Gerards (Utrecht University) and Valeska Huber (University of Vienna). Together with the audience, they will explore the challenges and opportunities for scientific collaboration arising from geopolitical complexities.
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For detailed programme information and registration, please visit the [ALLEA General Assembly|https://www.alleageneralassembly.org/scientific-symposium-2024-allea-general-assembly] website.
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