[{Image src='tbilisi_01.jpg' caption='' height='250' alt='Tbilisi Knowledge Hub' class='image_left'}]
!!Tbilisi Knowledge Hub

__At their meeting on 27 November, 2018, the Board of Trustees were pleased to approve unanimously, a proposal from the Rector of Tbilisi University, [Professor Georg Sharvashidze|Member/Sharvashidze_George], to establish  a new Regional  Knowledge Hub of the AE to be based at the University, in Tbilisi, Georgia.
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A launch and signing event will be arranged for late April 2019. Further information will be announced via a member newsletter.__ 
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__Tbilisi Knowledge Hub aims to become a platform to develop multidisciplinary scientific activities and expertise related to the Biocultural - Biological, Cultural, Linguistic, Ecological - diversity in South Caucasus, at the border of Eastern Europe with Western Asia.__
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__The areas of the expertise will include:__
*Paleoecological scenarios of early human dispersal
*Reconstruction of the spatial and cultural patterns of human migrations in the area
*Dynamics of biogeography, faunal and floral exchange
*Innovative technological studies of cultural heritage
*History of  viniculture and winemaking
*Psychology of ethnic groups and sociology of ethnic relations 
*Linguistic diversity and historic-cultural data
*Gut microbial communities in diverse groups of people living in geographically and culturally distinct settings
*The effect of bacteriophages on the diversity of gut microbial communities
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[{Image src='ae_tbilisi_small.jpg' caption='' height='100' alt='Tbilisi Knowledge Hub'}]