!!Call for nominations for election as a Vice President of the Academia Europaea

In accordance  with AE Regulation section 13:  The Trustees hereby announce a call for nominations for eligible members, as candidates for election as  Vice President of the Academia Europaea.
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Under statutes, an elected Vice President is an officer of the Academia and as such must be willing to be appointed as a Trustee and to assume all legal obligations required of Trustees under UK Charity law.
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The Vice President shall serve for a period of three years, with the option for a re-election  for a second and final term of three years.
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__The closing date for receipt of nominations will be 31 October 2017.__


__Nominations are open to all Ordinary Members of the Academia Europaea who have a record of regular financial contributions to the Academy.__ New members are eligible as candidates. Life members are eligible and formally exempted members are also eligible. Foreign members are not eligible to stand as candidates, nor are Honorary members.
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There are no age limits. The Vice President cannot be a serving Section Chair. 
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Self-nomination is acceptable, but each candidate must have the agreed support of two members.
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The [nomination form|Call for nominations for election as a Vice President (2017).docx] must be completed fully and returned as an attachment by email to the Executive Secretary [execsec@acadeuro.org|mailto:execsec@acadeuro.org] by the closing date.
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The Vice President will be required to assume a portfolio of responsibilities,  as agreed with the President and will have a representational role in the Academy.
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A search group will be established to scrutinise all candidates and the Board reserves the right to approach potential candidates directly, in advance of any recommendations to, and subsequent election by the membership. 
It is hoped to hold an electronic ballot, or failing that, an election as described in the regulations at the AGM of 2018. In any event, the Vice president will assume office at the end of the AGM of 2018. 
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__Download the document including the nomination form:__
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[Call for nominations for election as a Vice President (2017).pdf] (pdf)\\
[Call for nominations for election as a Vice President (2017).docx] (MSWord)