!!Academia Europaea-CEU-GLO Labor Symposium
__Friday, December 2, 2022, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm__
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__The online symposium is hosted by the Department of Public Policy at Central European University (CEU) in collaboration with Academia Europaea as part of the GLO Global Conference 2022. The symposium is dedicated to the memory of [Jacques Drèze|Member/Drèze_Jacques], a long-standing member of Academia Europaea (since 1989), who passed away on September 25, 2022.__
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*10:00-10:05: Welcome by [Martin Kahanec|Member/Kahanec_Martin] MAE (__Academia Europaea__ section chair and CEU)

*10:05-10:30: ''Mandatory Wage Posting, Bargaining and the Gender Wage Gap''\\By [Rudolf Winter-Ebmer|Member/Winter-Ebmer_Rudolf] MAE ([Johannes Kepler University|https://www.jku.at/en] Linz)

*10:30-10:55: ''Management Practices and Productivity: Does Employee Representation Play a Moderating Role?''\\By __Uwe Jirjahn__ ([University of Trier|https://www.uni-trier.de/en])

*10:55-11:20: ''Strangers and Foreigners: Trust and Attitudes toward Citizenship''\\By [Graziella Bertocchi|Member/Bertocchi_Graziella] MAE ([Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia|https://www.unimore.it])

*11:20-11:45: ''Climate Variability, Female Empowerment, and Household Employment Decisions''\\By __Olga Popova__ ([Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies|https://leibniz-ios.de/en])

*11:45-12:00: Discussion and closing remarks
__Zoom Link and codes:__
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__Meeting ID:__ 994 6846 2249\\
__Passcode:__ 244859
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Academia Europaea (AE) section Economics, Business and Management Sciences is concerned with the many academic issues dealing with individual behavior up to institutions, small and national organizations, countries, and multinational structures. Recent topics covered among others are migration and identity; financial markets; regional economics; and climate change. The AE-CEU-GLO Labor Symposium showcases some of the cutting-edge research in the areas of labor and population economics produced by section members as well as invited guests.
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!About Jacques Drèze

[Jacques Drèze|Member/Drèze_Jacques], a long-standing member of Academia Europaea (since 1989) passed away on Sunday, September 25, 2022, in Verviers at the age of 93.
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[{Image src='Dreze_Jacques.jpg' caption='Professor Jacques Drèze' height='400' alt='Jacques Drèze' align='center'}]
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Jacques inspired generations of economists, through his rigorous research (e.g. on economic uncertainty, general equilibrium theory, unemployment and disequilibrium economics), as a creator and director of the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), initiator of the European Doctoral Program in Quantitative Economics (EDP), founding father of the European Economic Association (of which he served as the first President in 1985), and professor at Université Catholique de Louvain and Cornell University. 
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Jacques combined academic excellence with an open-door approach and empathy for the personal challenges of students and colleagues seeking his advice. He has been an exemplary role model for economists as well as economic policy professionals. 
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Jacques will be missed immensely.