[{Image src='ivane_javakhishvili_tbilisi_state_university.png' caption='' height='200' alt='Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University' class='image_left' link='https://www.tsu.ge/en'}]
!!International Seminar "Internal QA: Perspectives and Challenges"

__[Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University|https://www.tsu.ge/en] (TSU) quality assurance service is holding an International Seminar "[Internal QA: Perspectives and Challenges|https://aetbilisihub.org/international-seminar--internal-qa--perspectives-and-challenges-]", on October 10, 11, and 12, 2022.__
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The conference will cover:

*The Irish quality assurance model

*Quality assurance of doctoral education

*Quality assurance of online education
The presentations and workshops will be held by representatives of four Irish universities ([University of Limerick|https://www.ul.ie], [Dublin City University|https://www.dcu.ie], [Mary Immaculate College|https://www.mic.ul.ie], [South East Technological University|https://www.setu.ie]), representatives of the European University Association Council on Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE), Quality Assurance Office employees from Ukrainian universities, and representatives of Georgian universities. 
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__Academia Europaea__, the scientific society that gathers over 5000 scientists and scholars from Europe and beyond expresses its solidarity with the Ukrainian people in connection with the ongoing hostilities. As a gesture of unity, the Academy decided to allocate funds from the [Hubert Curien Initiative Fund|Acad_Main/Activities/Curien_Fund] to support Ukrainians. Out of consideration for the war in Ukraine the Academy Board of Trustees decided to donate aforementioned financial resources to support ukrainian scholars. Three regional hubs of AE: [Tbilisi|https://aetbilisihub.org], [Budapest|https://mta.hu/aebudapest] and [Wroclaw|http://www.acadeuro.wroclaw.pl] shared the expenses to support Ukrainians in need.
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Tbilisi Knowledge Hub, as a structural unit of TSU, is glad to share the above mentioned financial resource distributed for Tbilisi Hub to hold an international seminar - "Internal QA: Perspectives and Challenges".
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Download the [programme|Agenda-Oct-10-12-2022.pdf]\\