!!Fuad Aleskerov - Curriculum Vitae
[Full CV|http://www.hse.ru/en/org/persons/140159].\\
*Head, Department of Mathematics for Economics, National Research University Higher School of Economics \\
*Head, International Laboratory of Decision Choice and Analysis, National Research University Higher School of Economics \\
*Head, Laboratory of Choice Theory and Decision Analysis, Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences 
*1974, MSc Mathematics, Moscow State University\\
*1981, Ph.D. in Control in Socio--Economic Systems
*1993, Doctor of Science (thesis title “Local Aggregation Models”)\\
*2011, Honorary Laborer of Science and Technology of Russian Federation\\
*Medal of the Order "For Merit II" (Decree of the President of Russia on 21.12.2013)\\
*12 monographs\\
*More than 200 articles (a hundred of which are published in peer-reviewed journals and volumes) \\
*5 Copyright certificates and Patents \\
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Member of the International Economic Association (member of the Executive Council, 2011-2017); American Mathematical Society; New Economic Association, Russia.
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__Member of the Editorial Board for  journals:__ Mathematical Social Sciences, Automation and Remote Control, Control Problems (in Russian), Politeia (in Russian), Economic Journal HSE (in Russian), Business-Informatics (in Russian), Journal of New Economic Association (in Russian), Vice-Editor-in-Chief, Mathematical Game Theory and its Applications, Сontrol in Large-Scale Systems (on-line , in Russian), International Journal of Information Technologies and Decision Making, Annals of Data Analysis, Group Decisions and Negotiation\\
__Invited Speaker:__ at more than 100 conferences and workshops\\
__Other activities:__ 2008 – present, Head, Board of the Congregation ‘Le Dor va Dor’ of the World Union of Progressive Judaism, Moscow, Russia\\ \\