!!Giancarlo Alfano - Biography
Giancarlo Alfano is Full Professor of Italian Litterature at the University of Napoli Federico II. He coordinates the Doctorate in Philology at the same university. He is a member of the Doctoral College in Texts, Traditions and Cultures of the Book at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM).\\
Over the years, he has held numerous doctoral seminars at leading Italian universities and at numerous European universities (Lille, Nancy, Tours, Paris III, Lyon 3, Aix-en-Provence, Brussels, Liège, Wien); in 2014 he was professeur invité at the Université de Lille 3 and in 2016 lecturer at the Scuola Galileiana – Padua. He has directed PhD’s researches and has been part of the Judging Committee at the University of Naples, SSM and in many other Universities in Italiy and Europe (Palermo, Perugia, Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Siena, Padova, Trento, Lyon3, Liège, Ghent).\\
He has been Member of the STAR project in “Disaster Texts” (2014-16). He is Senior Member of the ERC Project “Disasters, Communication and Politics in Southwestern Europe: the Making of Emergency Response Policies in the Early Modern Age (DISCOMPOSE)”.\\
Moreover, he is a member of the interdisciplinary research programme “Renaissances, Mots et usages d'une catégorie historiographique” (Paris Nanterre, Paris Lumières, Paris 8) and of the International Research Project "Le monde dans une péninsule: espaces urbains, présences étrangères, économies des savoirs dans l'Italie du Cinquecento", at the École française de Rome.\\
He has received  awards for his monographs and has won competitions to fund three-year PhD-level research grants (namely for the period 2018-21). He is scientifically responsible for post-doc funding for young scholars at the University of Naples and at the SSM, and he is part of International organization for the funding ot the scientific research.\\
He has published 14 monographs and 8 annotated editions of texts His contributions in journals and as book chapters add up to almost 200 works.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit galfano}][{ALLOW upload galfano}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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