!!Shanley Allen - Curriculum Vitae
*1995   Ph.D., Linguistics, McGill University\\
*1985   Bachelor of Arts (Great Distinction), Hispanic Studies, McGill University
__Academic Employment__
*2014 - 2020  Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kaiserslautern  \\
*Since 2012 Professor of Psycholinguistics and Language Development (W3), Technische Universität Kaiserslautern\\
*2010 - 2012 Professor of English Linguistics (W2), Technische Universität Kaiserslautern \\
*2006 - 2010 Chair, Department of Literacy, Language,  Counseling and Development, School of Education, Boston University \\
*2005             Acting Director, Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics, Boston University \\
*2002 - 2010    Associate Professor of Linguistics and Language Education, Boston University  \\
*1999 - 2002    Assistant Professor of Linguistics and Language Education, Boston University  \\
*1994 - 1998    Research Scientist, Language Acquisition Group, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics 
*2010 - 2016 Dual Career Professorship, Claussen-Simon Foundation (half of salary for six years)\\
*1995 Mary R. Haas Award (for doctoral dissertation), Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas
__Research Grants (recent)__
*2018-2021    German Science Foundation (FOR 2537)\\Research Unit: Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations: A Comparative Approach\\
*Co-PI, with H. Wiese (Speaker), A. Alexiadou, N. Gagarina, A. Lüdeling, C. Schroeder, L. Szucsich, R. Tracy, S. Zerbian\\
*2016-2018    German-Israel Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (I-361-105.4-2014)\\"It's all Hebrew to me!" - Perception of Emotions in German and Hebrew Speech - Cross-Cultural, Linguistic and Second Language Aspects Co-PI, with B. Ben-David, T. Lachmann
__Teaching and Research Interests__\\
First and second language acquisition, bilingual and heritage language acquisition, Inuit languages, verb argument structure, information structure, argument realization and referential choice, scientific writing, second language sentence processing\\
__Courses Offered__\\
Language development, language processing, syntax, introduction to linguistics, scientific writing and publishing, research methods and design\\
17 doctoral students (4 in progress), 7 Master’s students (1 in progress), 18 Bachelor’s research internships, 3 high school research internships, 9 doctoral students as external examiner\\
__Publications (total 82)__\\
1 monograph, 2 edited books, 22 peer-reviewed journal articles, 22 peer-reviewed book chapters, 28 proceedings and working papers, 3 invited commentaries, 2 book reviews, 2 corpus/material releases\\
__Presentations (total 260 in 24 countries)__\\
27 plenary/keynote talks, 50 colloquia, 183 conference presentations\\ \\