!!Michael Alram - Biography
Studied Classical Archaeology, Ancient Numismatics and Ancient History at the University of Vienna. Doctorate with Prof. Robert Göbl in 1982. Habilitation in numismatics and monetary history at the University of Vienna in 1987. He then became a research assistant at the Numismatic Commission of the AAS, and in 1987 moved to the Coin Cabinet of the Kunsthistorisches Museum as curator, where he took over as director in 2008. His research interests range from the coinage of the Roman Empire to the monetary history of the Iranian world in pre-Islamic times to the monetary history of the Austrian area during the Middle Ages. He founded the international long-term research projects Sylloge Nummorum Sasanidarum (together with Rika Gyselen, CNRS) and Sylloge Nummorum Parthicorum (together with Vesta Sarkosh Curtis, British Museum). In addition to his academic work, he was involved in numerous scientific organizations. He served as Vice-President of the International Committee of Money and Banking Museums (1998 - 2004), as Vice-President of the Societas Iranologica Europea (2003 - 2006), and as President of the International Numismatic Council (2015 - 2022). In 2013, he was elected Vice President of the AAS. In 2021, he resigned from office in order to be able to devote more time to his research. He is currently an associate member of the Numismatics Research Group at the Austrian Archaeological Institute of the AAS.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit malram}][{ALLOW upload malram}][{ALLOW comment All}]