!!Hans-Joachim Anders - Curriculum Vitae
__Responsibilities in academic administration__  
__LMU Medical Faculty__
*2003 - Primary mentor of 55 (+1) completed doctorates (36+1x Dr. med., 19x Dr. rer. hum. biol.) [https://edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de/view/gutachter/Anders=3AHans-Joachim=3A=3A.html]\\
*2013 - Primary mentor of four habilitation candidates (Lech, Thomasova, Mulay, Steiger)\\
*2014 - Co-chair “Molecular Medicine FöFoLe-Program“ of the Medical Faculty LMU with annually 42 fellowships for experimental thesis projects, scientific curriculum, skill seminars, and annual retreat, initiator of major reorganization of the school program in 2021, approved by Faculty council\\
*2019 Co-Chair of Medical Faculty task force “FIRE-LMU” Research Institute, budget: 40 Mio €\\
*2020 Chair and beneficiary of Else Kröner-Fresenius graduate school „Inflammation Research“ at the Medical Faculty LMU with annually 13 fellowships for experimental thesis projects, scientific curriculum, skill seminars, and annual retreat (Funding period 3+3 year)\\
*2021        Chair of Medical Faculty task force, PRISM building for Immunometabolism Research, budget: 40 Mio €\\
*2021 Chair “FöFoLe-Promotionsstudiengang“ of the Medical Faculty LMU with annually 60 fellowships for experimental thesis projects, scientific curriculum, skill seminar
__Regional level__
*2017 - 2022 Vice Chair Munich Nephrology Initiative, with annual congress for Bavarian nephrologists, quarterly Nephrology CME activities, post-congress reports for nephrologists of the region
__National level__
*2010 German Society of Nephrology: Secretary of annual congress\\
*2010 -  German Society of Nephrology: Program committee of annual congress Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Site visit reviewer of several Collaborative Research Centres\\
*2014 - 2020 Dutch Kidney Foundation: International Scientific Advisory Board\\
*2016 - 2019 Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC): Scientific advisory board\\
*2018 German Society of Nephrology: Rheumatology working group\\
*2020  German Society of Nephrology: National representative at the International Society of Nephrology
__European level__
*2010 - 2019 ERA-EDTA: Organizer of annual international CME course „Rheumatology for nephrologists“\\
*2010 ERA-EDTA: Secretary of annual congress, Munich, Program committee annual congress (2010, 13, 22)\\
*2012  ERA-EDTA: Award Committee\\
*2012 ERA-EDTA Scientific Advisory Board, from 2015: Secretary Coordinator of the board\\
*2012 ERA-EDTA: Organizer International CME course “Lupus nephritis” in Munich International on-site examiner of PhD Thesis, Michelle Duffy, University of Galway, IRL\\
*2013 ERA-EDTA: Organizer International CME course “ANCA-Vasculitis” in Munich\\
*2014 ERA-EDTA: Organizer International CME course “Kidney Transplantation” in Munich\\
*2016 ERA-EDTA Late-Breaking Clinical Trial Committee \\
*ERA-EDTA EDTA-Lancet cooperation panel\\
*ERA-EDTA: Board member of the Immunonephrology Working Group\\
*2018 SLEurope: Program Committee biannual congress\\
*International on-site examiner of PhD Thesis, S. Esmail Dorraji, University of Tromso, NO\\
*International on-site examiner of PhD Thesis, Anna Mannonelles, University of Barcelona, ESP\\
*2021 ERA-EDTA: Vice chair, Board of the Immunonephrology Working Group
__Global level__
*2012 Lupus Nephritis Trials Network: board member (2021- Head of board)\\
*2016 International Society of Nephrology: Organizer of Nexus Meeting, Berlin\\
*2017 International Society of Nephrology: Member of Western European board\\
*2020 International Society of Nephrology: President and board nomination committee\\
*2021 International Society of Nephrology: Translational Nephrology Initiative\\
*2022 International Society of Nephrology: President and board nomination committee\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit handers}][{ALLOW upload handers}][{ALLOW comment All}]