!!!Hans-Joachim Anders
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* 2023 Board Certification Immunology
* 2021 Speaker of LMU Medical Faculty Medical Student Research program (FöFoLe)
* 2019 Full Professor of Nephrology,LMU Munich
* 2011 Head of Nephrology Division at Inner City Campus, University hospital of Munich (LMU)
* 2008 Assoc Professor, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA (not accepted)
* 2003 Habilitation in Internal Medicine
* 1995-2005  Clinical training and Board Certification in Internal Medicine (2001), Nephrology (2002), Rheumatology (2005), University of Munich (LMU)
* 1995 Medical doctorate, University of Wurzburg
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2023 Editor-in-Chief (Nephrol Dial Transplant), journal of the European Renal Association
* 2023 Jaap de Graeff Award, Leiden University, NL
* 2023 Highly-Cited Researcher (Clarivate®)
* 2022 Highly-Cited Researcher (Clarivate®)
* 2021 Highly-Cited Researcher (Clarivate®)
* 2018 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Basic Research (European Renal Association)
* 2016 Rolf Becker Award, LMU Munich
* 2009 Franz Volhard Award, German Society of Nephrology
* 2007 Research Award, German Lupus Foundation 
* 2006 Hans-U.-Zollinger Research Award, German Society of Nephrology
* 2005 Nils-Alwall Award, German Society of Clinical Nephrology
* 2003 1. Young Investigator Award Preis, German Society of Internal Medicine
* 2002 Bernd-Tersteegen Award,  German Dialysis Society

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Anders_Hans-Joachim/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Anders_Hans-Joachim/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Anders_Hans-Joachim/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Anders_Hans-Joachim/OtherInformation]

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