!!Barbara Arciszewska - Selected Publications
1. Architektura i planowanie przestrzenne uniwersytetów od średniowiecza do połowy XIX wieku. Warszawa, 2021.(Architecture and planning of university complexes from the middle ages to the mid-19th century), monograph.\\
2. The Office of the King’s Works and modernization of architectural patronage in 18th century England,” in: Companion to Architecture in the Age of the Enlightenment (Series: Companion to Architectural Theory and Practice, Landscape Architecture and Urbanism), ed. C. van Eck, Oxford: Blackwell/Wiley, 2017, pp. 339-366.\\
3.  Anthropomorphic supports in the arts and architecture of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 18th century,” in: Construire avec le corps humain, red. S. Frommel, 2 vols, Paris: Picard, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 269-286.\\
4. “The role of ancient remains in Sarmatian culture of early modern Poland”, in: Local Antiquities and Local Identities: Art, Literature and Antiquarianism in Europe c. 1400-1700, red. Kathleen Christian and Bianca de Divitiis, Manchester University Press, 2019, pp. 286-304.\\
5. Early modern conceptualizations of medieval history and their impact on residential architecture in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth” in: The Quest for an Appropriate Past in Literature, Art and Architecture, ed. A. E. Enenkel and K. Ottenheym, Leiden: Brill, 2019, pp. 649-681.\\
6. “Pompa funebris in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth c.1650-1750: Politics of court ritual and the realm of the senses,” in: Sakralisierungen des Herrschers an europäischen Höfen.Bau - Bild - Ritual - Musik (1648-1740), red. Herbert Karner, Eva-Bettina Krems, Jens Niebaum, Werner Telesko, Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, 2019, s. 159- 182.\\
7. “Operas and masquerades: court rituals and entertainments under Ernest Augustus and George I of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1660–1727) in the Electorate of Hanover and Great Britain,” in: Power and Ceremony in European History. Rituals, Practices and Representative Bodies since the Late Middle Ages, Jonathan Spangler and Anna Kalinowska eds., London: Bloomsbury Press, 2021, pp.193-211.\\
8. “Polish Architecture ‘more vetusto … murata’: References to Romanesque Buildings in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth before 1600,” in: Romanesque Renaissance.Carolingian, Byzantine and Romanesque Buildings (800–1200) as a Source for New All’Antica Architecture in Early Modern Europe (1400–1700), ed. K. Ottenheym, Leiden: Brill, 2021, pp. 134-162.\\
9. “Religious architecture in early modern Poland, 1500-1800” in: Cambridge Guide to the Architecture of Christianity, ed. Richard Etlin, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, p 776-786.\\
10. “Our Poland hitherto impaired… The architectural transformations of King Stanisław August Poniatowski”, in: Royalty and Architecture. Visions and Ambitions of European Monarchs and Nobility, ed. F. Salmon, C. Asler, Stockholm: Stolpe, 2023, pp.169-185.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit barciszewska}][{ALLOW upload barciszewska}][{ALLOW comment All}]