!!Detlev Arendt - Selected Publications
Arendt, D. and Nübler-Jung, K. (1994). Inversion of dorsoventral axis? Nature 371, 26\\
Arendt, D. and Wittbrodt, J. (2001). Reconstructing the eyes of Urbilateria. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. Lond. B: 356, 1545-1563.\\
Arendt, D., Technau, U. and Wittbrodt, J. (2001). Evolution of the bilaterian larval foregut. Nature 409, 81-85\\
Arendt, D., Tessmar-Raible, K., Snyman, H., Dorresteijn, A., and Wittbrodt, J. (2004) Ciliary photoreceptors with vertebrate-type opsins in an invertebrate brain. Science, 306, 869-871\\
Jékely, G., Colombelli, J., Hausen, H., Guy, K., Stelzer, E., Nédélec, F., Arendt, D. (2008) Mechanism of phototaxis in marine zooplankton. Nature. 456(7220):395-9.\\
Arendt, D. (2008). The evolution of cell types in animals: emerging principles from molecular studies. Nat Rev Genet 9, 868-82.\\
Tosches, M. A., Bucher, D., Vopalensky, P., Arendt, D. (2014) Melatonin signaling controls circadian swimming behavior in marine zooplankton Cell 159(1):46-57\\
Lauri, A., Brunet, T., Handberg-Thorsager, M., Fischer, A. H., Simakov, O., Steinmetz, P. R., Tomer, R., Keller, P. J., Arendt, D. Development of the annelid axochord: insights into notochord evolution. Science 345(6202):1365-8\\
Achim, K., Pettit, J.-B., Saraiva, L. R., Gavriouchkina, D., Larsson, T., Arendt, D.*, Marioni, J. C.* (2015) Single-cell expression profiling and spatial mapping into tissue of origin. Nature Biotech. 33, 503-509\\
Arendt, D., Musser, J. M., Baker, C. V., Bergman, A., Cepko, C., Erwin, D. H., Pavlicev, M., Schlosser, G., Widder, S., Laubichler, M. D., Wagner, G. P. (2016) The origin and evolution of cell types. Nat. Rev. Genet. 17(12):744-757