!!Vladimir Arnold - Selected publications


*1.   On the representability of functions of two variables in the form $\chi(\phi(x)+\psi(y))$. Uspehy Math. Nauk 1957, 12:2, 119-121.

*2.   On the functions of three variables. Doklady AN USSR, 1957, 114:4, 

*3.   On the representation of continuous functions of three variables by the
     superpositions of continuous functions of two variables. Matem. Sbornik, 
     1959, 48:1, 3-74 and 1962, 56:3, 392.

*4.   A criterion of the nomografibility on the rectangular Cartesian abacus. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1961, 16:4, 133-135.

*5.   Small denominators. I: On the maps of a circle onto itself. 
     Izvestija Ac. Sci. USSR, Ser. Math., 1961, 25:1, 21-86 and 
     1964, 28:2, 479-480.

*6.   On the stability of the equilibrium of a Hamiltonian system of ordinary 
     differential equations in a generic elliptic case. Doklady AN USSR, 
     1961, 137:2, 255-257.

*7.   On the birth of a conditional-periodic motion from a family of periodic 
     motions. Doklady, 1961, 138:1, 13-15.

*8.   Some remarks on the flows of linear elements and frames. Doklady, 1961, 
     138:2, 255-257.

*9.   Notes on the rotation numbers. Siberian Math. Jour., 1961, 2:6, 807-813.

*10.  On the behavior of adiabatic invariants under a slow periodic change of 
     the Hamiltonian function. Doklady, 1962, 142:4, 758-761.

*11.  On small perturbations of automorphisms of tori (with Ya.G. Sinai), 
     Doklady, 1962, 144:4, 695-698.

*12.  On the classical perturbation theory and stability theory of planetary 
     systems. Doklady, 1962, 145:3, 487-490.

*13.  A proof of the A.N. Kolmogorov's theorem on the conservation of 
     conditional-periodic motions in a small change of the Hamiltonian 
     function. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1963, 18:5, 13-40.

*14.  Small denominators and problems on the stability of motions in the 
     classical and celestial mechanics. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1963, 18:6, 91-192.

*15.  On one theorem of Liouville, concerning integrable problems of dynamics. 
     Siberian Math. J., 1963, 4:2, 471-474.

*16.  Homogeneous distribution of points on a sphere and some ergodic properties 
     of linear ordinary differential equations in the complex domain (with 
     A.L. Krylov). Doklady, 1963, 148:1, 9-12.

*17.  On the nonstability of dynamical systems with many degrees of freedom. 
     Doklady, 1964, 156:1, 9-12.

*18.  Conditions of the applicability and an estimate of the mistake of the 
     averaging method for systems, which goes through the resonances during 
     the evolution process. Doklady, 1965, 161:1, 9-12.

*19.  On the conditions of the nonlinear stability of flat stationary curvilinear 
     flows of the ideal fluid. Doklady, 1965, 162:5, 975-978.

*20.  A Variational principle for three-dimensional stationary flows of the 
     ideal fluid. Applied Math. and Mechan., 1965, 29:5, 846-851.

*21.  On the topology of three-dimensional stationary flows of the ideal fluid. 
     Applied Math. and Mech., 1966, 30:1, 183-185.

*22.  Sur la courbure de Riemann des groupes de diffeomorphismes, 
     C.R.Ac.Sci. Paris, 1965, v.260, 5668-5671.

*23.  Sur la topologie des ecoulements stationnaires des fluides parfaits, 
     C.R.Ac.Sci. Paris, 1965, v.261, 17-20.

*24.  Sur une propriete topologique des applications globalement canoniques 
     de la mecanique classique, C.R.Ac. Sci.Paris, 1965, 261, 3719-3722.

*25.  Sur la geometrie differentielle des groupes de Lie de dimension infinie 
     et ses applications a l'hydrodynamique des fluides parfaits. 
     Ann. Inst. Fourier, 1966, 16:1, 319-361.

*26.  Sur un principe variationel pour les ecoulements stationaires. 
     J. de Mecanique, Paris, 1966, 5:1, 29-43.

*27.  Problemes ergodiques de la mecanique classique (with A. Avez). 
     Gauthier-Villars, 1967, a book of 243 pages.

*28.  On one a priori estimate in the theory of the hydrodynamical stability. 
     Izvestija VUZov, Ser.Mat., 1966, No.5, 3-5.

*29.  Stability problem and ergodic properties of classical dynamical systems. 
     Proc. Intern. Congr. of Math. (Moscow, 1966); Trans. Congr. Intern. of 
     Mathematicians (Moscow, 1966). Mir Publishers, 1968, 387-392.

*30.  On a characteristic class entering in the quantization conditions. 
     Funct. Anal. and its Appl. (FAA), 1967, 1:1, 1-14.

*31.  A note on the Weierstrass preparation theorem. FAA, 1967, 1:3, 1-8.

*32.  Singularities of smooth mappings. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1968, 23:1,3-44.

*33.  On braids of algebraic functions and cohomologies of swallowtails. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1968, 23:4, 247-248.

*34.  A remark on the ramification of hyperelliptic integrals as functions of 
     parameters. FAA 1968, 2:3, 1-3.

*35.  Notes on the singularities of finite codimension in the complex dynamical 
     systems. FAA, 1969, 3:1, 1-6.

*36.  The cohomology ring of the group of colored braids. Mat.Zametki 
     (Math. Notes), 1969, 5:2, 227-231.

*37.  On some topological invariants of algebraic functions, I. 
     Trans. Moscow Math. Society, 1970, V.21, 27-46.

*38.  On one-dimensional cohomology of the Lie algebra of nondivergent vector
     fields and rotation numbers of dynamical systems. FAA, 1969, 3:4, 77-78.

*39.  Hamiltonial character of the Euler equations of dynamics of solids and 
    of ideal fluid. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1969, 24:6, 225-226.

*40.  On cohomology classes of algebraic functions, stable under Tschirnhausen 
     transforms. FAA, 1970, 4:1, 84-85.

*41.  Topological invariants of algebraic functions, II. FAA, 1970, 4:2,1-9.

*42.  On local problems of Analysis. Vestnik Mosc. Univ., Ser. Math., 1970, 
     No.2, 52-56.

*43.  Algebraic nonsolvability of the problem of Ljapunov stability and of the 
     problem of the topological classification of singular points of analytic 
     systems of differential equations. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1970, 25:2, 265-266.

*44.  (The same title as for No.43) FAA, 1970, 4:3, 1-9.

*45.  On matrices depending on parameters. Rus. Math. Surv., 1971, 26:2, 101-114.

*46.  On the dispositions of ovals of real plane algebraic curves, involutions 
     of four-dimensional smooth manifolds and arithmetics of integer quadratic 
     forms. FAA 1971, 5:3, 1-9.

*47.  Ordinary differential equations. Moscow, Nauka, 1971, 1-240.

*48.  Notes on the behavior of flows of the three-dimensional ideal fluid under 
     a small perturbation of the initial velocity field. Appl. Math. Mech. 
     1972, 36:2, 255-262.

*49.  A comment to "Sur un theoreme de la geometrie". In: Izbrannye trudy 
     A.Puankare (H. Poincare, Selected Works), M., Nauka, 1972, vol.2, 987-989.

*50.  Integrals of rapidly oscillating functions and singularities of 
     projections of Lagrange manifolds. FAA 1972, 6:3, 61-62.

*51.  Normal forms of functions near degenerate critical points, Weyl groups 
     A, D, E and Lagrange singularities. FAA 1972, 6:4, 3-25.

*52.  Lectures on bifurcations and versal families. Rus. Math. Surv. 1972, 
     27:5, 119-182.

*53.  Modes and quasimodes. FAA 1972, 6:2, 12-20.

*54.  Classification of unimodal critical points of functions. FAA 1973, 
     7:3, 75-76.

*55.  Notes on the stationary phase method and Coxeter numbers. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 28:5, 1973, 17-44.

*56.  Normal forms of functions in a neighborhood of degenerate critical points. 
     Rus. Math. Surv. 1974, 29:2, 11-49.

*57.  Topology of real algebraic curves (works of I.G.Petrovsky and their 
     development). Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1974, 28:5, 260-262.

*58.  Critical points of functions and classification of caustics. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1974, 29:2, 243-244.

*59.  Mathematical methods of classical mechanics. Moscow, Nauka, 1974, 432 p.

*60.  Asymptotical Hopf invariant and its applications. Trans. of All-Union 
     School on differential equations. Erevan, 1974, 229-256 (Engl. translation: 
     Selecta Math. Sov., 1986, 5:4, 327-346).

*61.  Critical point of smooth functions. Vancouver Intern. Congr. of Math., 
     1974, vol.1, 19-39.

*62.  Classification of bimodal critical points of functions. 
     FAA 1975, 9:1, 49-50.

*63.  Critical points of smooth functions and their normal forms. 
     Rus. Math. Surv., 1975, 30:5, 3-65.

*64.  Local normal forms of functions. Invent. Math. 1976, 35:1, 87-109.

*65.  A spectral sequence for the reduction of functions to normal forms. 
     FAA 1975, 9:3, 81-82.

*66.  Spectral sequences for reduction of functions to normal forms. In: 
     "Problems of mechanics and mathematical physics". Nauka, 1976, 7-20 
     (Engl. transl.: Selecta Math. Sov. 1:1, 1981, 3-18).

*67.  On the theory of envelopes. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1976, 31:3, 248-249.

*68.  Some unsolved problems of the singularity theory. In: Trans. of the 
     seminar of S.L.Sobolev. Novosubirsk, 1976, 5-15.

*69.  Bifurcation of invariant manifolds of differential equations and 
     structure of the neighborhood of an elliptic curve on a complex surface. 
     FAA, 1975, 10:4, 1-12.

*70.  Wave front evolution and equivariant Morse Lemma. Comm Pure and Appl. 
     Math. 1976, 29:6, 557-582.

*71.  Loss of stability of autooscillations near resonances and versal 
     deformations of equivariant vector fields. FAA 1977, 11:2, 1-10.

*72.  Index of a singular point of a vector field, Petrovsky-Oleinik 
     inequalities and mixed Hodge structures. FAA 1978, 12:1, 1-14.

*73.  Critical points of functions on manifolds with boundary, simple Lie 
     groups B, C, F and singularities of evolutes. Rus. Math. Surv. 1978, 
     33:5, 91-105.

*74.  Additional chapters of the theory of ordinary differential equations. 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1978, 304 p.

*75.  Some problems of theory of differential equations. In: Non-solved 
     problems of mechanics and mathematics. Moscow State Univ. Press 1977, 3-9.

*76.  On the contemporary development of I.G.Petrovsky's works on topology of 
     real algebraic manifolds. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1977, 32:3, 215-216.

*77.  Indices of singular points of 1-forms on a manifold with a boundary, 
     convolution of invariants of groups generated by reflections, and singular 
     projections of smooth surfaces. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1979, 34:2, 3-36.

*78.  On some problems in singularity theory. In: Geometry and Analysis, 
     Papers dedicated to the Memory of V.K. Patodi. Proc. Indian Ac. Sci., 
     99:1, 1981, 1-9.

*79.  Real algebraic geometry (with O.A. Oleinik). Vestnik (Bulletin) Moscow 
     State Univ., Ser. 1, 1979, No.6, 7-17.

*80.  Stable oscillations whose potential energy is harmonic on the space and 
     periodic on the time. Appl. Math. Mach. 1979, 43:2, 360-363.

*81.  Catastrophe theory. Priroda 1979, No.10, 54-63.

*82.  Statistics of integer convex polyhedra. FAA 1980, 14:2, 1-3.

*83.  Lagrange and Legendre cobordisms. FAA 1980, 14:3, 1-13 and 14:4, 8-17.

*84.  Catastrophe theory. Moscow, Znanie Publishers, 1981, 64 p.

*85.  Large scale structure of the Universe I. General properties. One and 
     two-dimensional models (with Ya.B. Zeldovich and S.F. Shandarin). 
     Preprint Inst. Appl. Math. No.100, 1981, 32 p. (Engl. transl.: 
     Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics 1982, V. 20, 111-130).

*86.  Large scale structure of the Universe (with Ya.B. Zeldovich and 
     S.F. Shandarin). Rus. Math. Surv. 1981, 36:3, 244-245.

*87.  Sweeping of the caustic by the cusps of moving front. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 
     1981, 36:4, 233.

*88.  Magnetic field in a moving conducting liquid (with Ya.B. Zeldovich, 
     A.A. Rusmaikin and D.D. Sokolov). Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1981, 36:5, 220-221.

*89.  Magnetic field in a stationary flow with expansions in a Riemannian 
     space (with Ya. B. Zeldovich, A.A. Rusmaikin and D.D. Sokolov). 
     J. of Exp. and Theor. Phys. 1981, 81:6, 2052-2058.

*90.  Lagrange manifolds with singularities, asymptotical rays and unfurled 
     swallowtail. FAA 1981, 15:4, 1-14.

*91.  Asymptotical rays in symplectic and contact geometry. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 
     1982, 37:2, 182-183.

*92.  Singularities of differentiable maps I. Classification of critical points, 
     caustics and wave fronts (with A.N. Varchenko and S.M. Gusein-Zade). 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1982, 304 p.

*93.  Stationary magnetic field in a periodic flow (with Ya.B. Zeldovich, 
     A.A. Rusmaikin, D.D. Sokolov). Doklady AN USSR 1982, 266:6, 1357-1358.

*94.  Singularities of Legendre varieties, of evolvents and of fronts at an 
     obstacle. Ergodic Theory and Dyn. Systems, 1982, v.2, 301-309.

*95.  On the Newtonian attraction of a multitude of dust-like particles. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1982, 37:4, 125.

*96.  Surgeries of singularities of potential flows in a collisionless media 
     and metamorphoses of caustics in a three dimensional space. 
     Trans. of the I.G. Petrovsky seminar, 1982, vol.8, 21-57.

*97.  Some notes on the antidynamo theorem. Vestnik (Bulletin) Mosk. State 
     Univ., Ser.1, 1982, No.6, 50-57.

*98.  On the Newtonian potential oh hyperbolic layers. Memoirs of Tbilisi 
     Univ. 1982, vol. 232-233, 23-28 (Engl. transl.: Selecta Math. Sov., 
     1985, 4:2, 103-106).

*99.  Increase of a magnetic field in a three-dimensional flow of a 
     noncondensable fluid (with E.I. Korkina) Vestnik (Bull.) 
     Mosc. State Univ., Ser.1, 1983, No.3, 43-46.

*100. Evolution of a magnetic field under the action of translaton and 
     difusion. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1983, 38:2, 226-227.

*101. Singularities of systems of rays. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1983, 38:2, 77-147.

*102. Notes on the perturbation theory for the problems of Matieu type. 
     Uspehy Math. Nauk, 38:4, 1983, 189-203.

*103. Singularities in the variational calculus. Contemp. Probl. of Math. 
     1983, v.22, 3-55 (Engl. transl.: J. Soviet Math.)

*104. Singularities, bifurcations and catastrophes. Uspehy Phys. Nauk (Soviet 
     Phys. Uspehy), 1983, 141:4, 569-590.

*105. Catastrophe theory, extended 2-d edition. Mosc. State Univ. Press, 
     1983, 80 p.

*106. Geometrical methods in the theory of ordinary differential equations. 
     Springer, New York a.o., 1983, 334 p.

*107. Magnetic analogues of the Newton's and Ivory's theorems. Uspehy Math. 
     Nauk, 1983, 38:5, 145-146.

*108. Some algebro-geometrical aspects of the Newton attraction theory. 
     Progress in Math., Vol.36, Birkhauser, Basel, 1983, 1-3.

*109. Some open problems in the theory of singularities. Proc. of Symposia 
     in Pure Math., Vol.40 Part 1, 1983, p.57-69.

*110. Singularities of functions, wave fronts, caustics and multidimensional 
     integrals (with A.N. Varchenko, A.B. Givental and A.G. Khovansky). 
     Mathematical Physics Reviews, Vol.4, 1984, 1-92.

*111. Catastrophe theory. Springer, Berlin, 1984, 79 p.

*112. Singularities of differentiable maps II. Monodromy and asymptotics of 
     integrals (with A.N. Varchenko and S.M. Gusein-Zade). Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 336 p.

*113. Vanishing inflexions. FAA 1984, 18:2, 51-52.

*114. Some remarks on the elliptic coordinates. Notes of LOMI Scientific 
     Seminars. 1984, v.133, 38-50.

*115. Singularities in the variational calculus. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1984, 

*116. On the evolution of magnetic field under the action of translation 
     and diffusion. In.: Some problems of contemporary analysis, 
     Mosc. State Univ. Press, 1984, 8-21.

*117. Reversible systems. In: Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes. 
     Gordon and Breach, New York 1984, 1161-1174.

*118. Exponential dispersion of trajectories and its hydrodynamical 
     applications. In: N.E. Kotchin and Development of Mechanics. 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 185-193.

*119. English translation of No.92. Birkhauser, Boston a.o. 1985, 1-385.

*120. Singularities of Ray Systems. Proc. Intern. Congr. Math., August 16-24, 
     1983, Warszawa, Vol. 1, 27-49.

*121. Ordinary differential equations. 3-d edition, revized and expanded. 
     Moscow, Nauka, 1984, 1-272.

*122. Ordinary differential equations (with Yu.S. Il'ashenko). Current Probl. 
     Math. VINITI, Fundamental Directions, Vol.1. Moscow, VINITI, 1985, 7-149 
     (Engl. transl. in: Springer, Encycl. of Math. Sciences, Vol.1)

*123. Period maps and Poisson structures. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1985, 40:5, 236.

*124. Sturm theorems and symplectic geometry. FAA, 19:4, 1985, 1-10.

*125. Superpositions. In: A.N.Kolmogorov, Selected Works, Mechanics and 
     Mathematics. Moscow, Nauka, 1985, 444-451.

*126. Classical mechanics. In: A.N.Kolmogorov, Selected Works, Moscow, 
     Nauka, 1985, 433-444.

*127. Implicit differential equations, contact structures and relaxation 
     oscillations. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 40:5 (1985), 188.

*128. Mathematical aspects of classical and Celestial Mechanics (with 
     V.V. Kozlov and A.I. Neistadt). Moscow, VINITI, 1985. (Engl. transl.: 
     Springer, Encycl. of Math. Sciences, Vol.3).

*129. Symplectic geometry (with A.B. Givental). Current Probl. in Math. VINITI,
     Fundam. Directions, Vol.4. Moscow, VINITI, 1985, 7-139. (Engl. transl. in: 
     Springer, Encycl. Math. Sciences, Vol.4)

*130. On some nonlinear problems. In: Crafoord prize in mathematics, 1982. 
     Crafoord lectures, The Royal Swedish Ac. of Sci., 1986, 1-7.

*131. Catastrophe Theory. Second revized and expanded edition. Springer, 
     Berlin, 1986, 108 pages.

*132. Hyperbolic polynomials and Vandermond maps. FAA 20:2, 1986, 52-53.

*133. Singularities of boundaries of spaces of differential equations. Uspehy 
     Math. Nauk, 41:4, 1986, 152-154.

*134. First steps of symplectic topology. Rus. Math. Surv., 41:6, 1986, 3-18.

*135. Catastrophe theory and new possibilities of the application of 
     mathematics. In: Mathematization of the contemporary science. 
     Moscow, 1986, 81-87.

*136. Bifurcation theory (with V.C. Afraimovitch, Yu.S. Il'ashenko and 
     L.P. Shil'nikov). Current probl. of Math. VINITI, Fund. Directions, 
     Vol.5. Moscow, VINITI, 1986, 5-218. (Engl. transl. in: Springer, 
     Berlin a.o., Encycl. of Math. Sciences, Vol. 5)

*137. Catastrophe theory. The same issue as for No.136, 219-277.

*138. Oscillations and bifurcations in reversible systems (with M.B. Sevrjuk). 
     In: Nonlinear Phenomena in plasma physics and Hydrodynamics, ed.: 
     R.Z. Sagdeev. Mir Publishers, 1986, 31-64.

*139. French translation of No. 92 and No. 112. Moscow, Mir Publishers, 1986.

*140. 300-th Anniversary of the mathematical natural philosophy and celestial 
     mechanics. Priroda, 1987, No.8(864), 5-15.

*141. Hungarian edition of No.46. Budapest, 1987.

*142. Quasicrystalls, Penrose partitions, Markov partitions, stochastic web 
     and singularity theory. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 42:4, 1987, 139.

*143. Second Kepler's law and topology of Abelian integrals (according to 
     I.Newton). Kvant, 1987, No.12, 17-21.

*144. Convex hulls and encreasing of productivity of systems in the pulsatory 
     load. Siberian Math. J., 28:4, 1987, 29-31.

*145. Contact structure, relaxational oscillations and singular points of 
     implicit differential equations. In: Geometry and singularity theory 
     in nonlinear equations. Voronezh, 1987, 3-8.

*146. Portuguese transl. of No.59. Mir Publishers, 1987

*147. Topological proof of the trnscendence of Abelian integrals in the 
     Newtons "Principia". Histor.-Math. Investigations, XXXI, Moscow, Nauka, 
     1989, 7-17.

*148. Ramified covering CP2 ? S4 , hyperbolicity and projective topology. 
     Siberian Math. J., 29:5, 1988, 36-47.

*149. Notes on the Poisson structures on the plane and other powers of the 
     volume forms. Trans. of the I.G.Petrovsky seminar, No.12, 1987, 37-46.

*150. German transl. of No. 72. Birkhauser, Basel, 1987, 320 p.

*151. Mathematics with a human face. Priroda 1988, No.3, 117-119.

*152. On surfaces, defined by hyperbolic equations. Matem Zametki (Math. 
     Notices) 1988, 44:1, 3-17.

*153. Remarks on quasicrystallic symmetries. Physica D, nonlinear phenomena. 
     1988, 33:(1-3), 21-25.

*154. On some problems in symplectic topology. In: Topology and Geometry. 
     Rohlin Seminar. O.Ya.Viro (Ed.) Springer Lecture Notes Math., 1346 
     (1988), 1-5.

*155. On the interior scattering of waves, defined by hyperbolic variational 
     principles. J. of Geometry and Physics 1988. Vol.V, No.3, 305-315.

*156. Bifurcations and singularities in mathematics and mechanics. 
     In: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics XVII IUTAM, Congress, Grenoble, 
     1988. Elsevier, 1989, 1-25.

*157. German transl. of No.59. VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften DDR, 
     520, 1988.

*158. Singularities I. Local and Global Theory (with V.A. Vassil'ev, 
     V.V. Gorjunov and O.V. Ljashko). Moscow, VINITI, 1988, 1-256 (to be 
     transl. by Springer as Vol.6 of Encycl. Math. Sciences).

*159. Singularities II. Classification and Applications (with V.A. Vassil'ev, 
     V.V. Gorjunov and O.V. Ljashko). Moscow, VINITI, 1989, 1-256 
     (to be transl. by Springer as Vol. 39 of Encycl. Math. Sci.).

*160. Dynamics of intersections. In: Analysis, et cetera. Research papers 
     Published in Honor of Jurgen Moser's 60-th Birthday. Eds. P.Rabinovitz, 
     E. Zehnder. Acad. Press, San Diego, 1990, 77-84.

*161. A-graded algebras with 3 generators. Comm. Pure Appl. Math., 42, 
     1989, 993-1000.

*162. Engl. transl. of No.112. Birkhauser, Boston a.o., 492 p.

*163. Some words on Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 
     43:6, 1988, 34.

*164. A.N.Kolmogorov in the reminiscences of pupils. Kvant, 1988, No.11-12, 34.

*165. A.N.Kolmogorov, obituary. Physics today. 42:10, 1989, 148-150.

*166. Contact structure, relaxation oscillations and singular points of 
     implicit differential equations, in: Springer Lecture Notes Math., 
     1334, 173-179; 1988.

*167. Spaces of functions with mild singularities. FAA, 23:3, 1988, 1-10.

*168. Teoria delle catastrofi. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 1990, 146 p.

*169. Newton's principia read 300 Years later (with V.A. Vassil'ev). Notices 
     of the Amer. Math. Soc., 1989, 36:9, 1148-1154 and 37:2 (1990), 144.

*170. Some unsolved problems of theory of differential equations and 
     mathematical physics. Uspehy Math. Nauk, 1989, 44:4, 191-192.

*171. Contact geometry: the geometrical method of Gibbs thermodynamics. 
     AMS, 1990.

*172. Singularity theory and its applications. Lezioni Fermiane. Academia 
     Nazionale Dei Lincei. Scuola Normale Superiore. Pisa, 1990.

*173. Catastrophe theory. Nauka i zhish'n (Science and life) 1989 No.10, 12-19.

*174. Contact geometry and wave propagation. Monographie No.34 Enseign. Math., 
     1989, 56 pages.

*175. Ten problems. In: Singularity theory and its applications. Adv. in 
     Soviet math. Vol. 1. AMS, 1990, 1-8.

*176. One hundred problems. MFTI, Moscow, 1989.

*177. Bernoulli-Euler updown numbers associated with function singularities, 
     their combinatorics and arithmetics. Duke Math. J.,  63:2, 1991, 537-555.

*178. Dynamics of complexity of intersections. Boletim da Sociedade Brasiliera 
     de Mathematica 21:1, 1990, 1-10.

*179. Huygens and Barrow, Newton and Hooke, Birkhauser, Basel a.o., 1990, 118 p.

*180. Mathematical trivium. Uspehy Math Nauk,  46:1, 1991, 225-232.

*181. Catastrophe theory. 3-d edition, extended. Moscow, Nauka, 1990, 128 p.

*182. 3-d edition of No.59, extended. Moscow, Nauka, 1988. 472 p.

*183. Singularities of Caustics and Wave Fronts. Kluwer, 1990.

*184. Topological and ergodic properties of a closed differential 1-form, 
     Func. Anal. Appl. 25:2 (1991),1-12.

*185. Meanders. Kvant, 1991, no. 3, pp. 11-14.

*186. Majoration of Milnor numbers of intersections in holomorphic dynamical 
     systems, preprint 652 Utrecht Univ., April 1991, 1-9 (Topological 
     Methods in Modern Mathematics, Publish or Perish 1992).

*187. Springer numbers and morsification spaces, prprint 658 Utrecht Univ., 
     April 1991, pp. 1-18. (J. Alg. Geom. 1:2, 1992)

*188. Calculus of snakes, Uspehi Math. Nauk., 47, v. 2, 1992.

*189. Problems on singularities and dynamical systems, Progress in Sov. Math., 
     Chapman and Hall, 1992.

*190. Topological methods in hydrodynamics (with B.A. Khesin), Annual Reviews 
     in Fluid Dynamics, 24, 1992.

*191. Mathematical trivium - II. Uspehy Math Nauk,  48:1, 1993, 211-222.

*192. Bounds for Milnor numbers of intersections in holomorphic dynamical
     systems. In: Topological methods in Modern Mathematics (Stony Brook,
     NY, 1991). - Houston, TX: Publish or Perish, 1993, 379--390.

*193. Sur les proprietes topologiques des projections lagrangiennes en
     geometrie symplectique des caustiques. -- CEREMADE, Universite
     Paris-Dauphine. Cahiers de Mathematiques de la Decision, 9320,
     14.06.93, 9 p.

*194. On the topological properties of Legendrian projections in the contact
     geometry of wave fronts. Algebra and Analysis, 1994, 6(3), 1--16
     (in Russian).

*195. Topological Invariants of Plane Curves and Caustics. Dean Jacqueline
     B. Lewis Memorial Lectures, Rutgers University. -- Providence, RI:
     Amer. Math. Soc., 1994, VIII+60 p. (University Lecture Series, 5).

*196. Topological classification of real trigonometric polynomials and
     cyclic serpents polyhedron. In: Arnold--Gelfand Mathematical Seminars.
     -- Boston: Birkhauser, 1996.

*197. Toronto lectures, June 1997 
     Lecture 1: From Hilbert's Superposition Problem to Dynamical
     Lecture 2: Symplectization, Complexification and Mathematical
     Lecture 3: Topological Problems in Wave Propagation Theory and
                Topological Economy Principle in Algebraic Geometry. 
     (available at http://www.botik.ru/~duzhin/arnold/arn-papers.html).

*198. On the problem of realization of a given Gaussian curvature function.
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