!!Canan Atilgan - Curriculum Vitae
*1991 - 1996 MS & Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey\\
*1987 - 1991 BS in Chemical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, İstanbul, Turkey
__Publications:__ 86 manuscripts published in archival journals.
__Websites, publications links:__\\
[http://people.sabanciuniv.edu/canan] - self\\
[https://midst.sabanciuniv.edu] - group\\
__Editorial board member:__ Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics \\
__Reviewer and panel duties:__
*The Scientific and Technical Council of Turkey (TUBITAK; regular)\\
*L’Oréal Turkey Young Women Scientist Fellowships\\
*FP7, H2020 and HORIZON Europe\\
*Sedat Simavi Awards Basic Sciences Evaluation Committee\\
*La Caixa Foundation Fellowship Programs
Theses supervised. 15 PhD (10 women; 9 completed, 6 ongoing); 17 MS students (7 women; 16 completed, 1 ongoing)\\
__Educational leadership and outreach activities:__
\\ \\
Transforming undergraduate education - Contributes to the reflection of the new learning patterns to the teaching of science at the University level. \\
Popularizing science for native speakers - Editorial board member and regular contributor for the Turkish language popular science web site [https://sarkac.org]. \\
Dissemination of computational biophysics - Organizes ‘Dialogues in the MIDST’ Workshops geared mainly towards graduate students residing in or near Istanbul ([https://midst.sabanciuniv.edu/dialogues.html]). Regularly gives introductory level biophysics seminars to undergraduate student clubs throughout Turkey. Biophysical Society Ambassador for Turkey (2021-2024 term)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit catilgan}][{ALLOW upload catilgan}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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