!!Andrea Büchler - Curriculum Vitae
__Current Positions__
*Chair of Private and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich\\
*President of the National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics, Switzerland\\
*Director of the University Research Priority Program (URPP) "Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R"
__Academic Curriculum Vitae__
*1990 - 1995 Law School, University of Basle, Licentiate at the Faculty of Law (lic.iur.) 1995\\
*1994 - 1995 Research assignment, observance of criminal procedures in cases of sexual offences on behalf of the helpline for victims of violence\\
*1996 - 1999 Scientific lead of the research project: “Stop violence, State and Private Interventions Against Domestic Violence”; financed by the SNF\\
*1998 Promotion to Dr. iur., University of Basle, summa cum laude, winner of Faculty Award\\
*1999 - 2002  Postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Law, University of Basle\\
*2000 - 2002 Lecturer in Private Law, Faculty of Law, University of Basle\\
*Since 2000 Co-editor of the Journal FamPra.ch, Praxis des Familienrechts \\
*2001 Studies of Islamic Jurisprudence and Comparative Constitutional Law, AUC, Cairo \\
*2002 Clerk at the 2nd Civil Chamber, High Court, Canton Berne \\
*2002 Lecturer in Islamic Law, Faculty of Law, University of Basle \\
*2002 Habilitation, venia docendi in Private Law, Comparative Law and Gender Law, University of Basle \\
*Since 2002 Chair of Private and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Zurich\\
*2003 Co-Founder of the Centre for Family Sciences\\
*2003-2007 Co-Director of the Gender Studies Competence Centre, University of Zurich \\
*2004-2008 Scientific lead of the research project “Children and Divorce – Current Legal Practices and their Impact on Family Transitions” and of the project “Legal Gender Studies – A Commented List of Sources”, both financed by the SNF\\
*Since 2005 Member of the steering committee and on-site director of the Law Summer School in Cairo, in cooperation with the American University in Cairo \\
*2006/2007 Lecturer, University of Lucerne (Switzerland) \\
*2008 - 2010 Co-Director of the University Priority Research Programme (URPP) Asia and Europe, University of Zurich (from 2006 member of the assembly of professors of the URPP)\\
*Since 2007 Scientific co-lead of the CAS Programme “Specialisation in Family law for Lawyers”\\
*2008 - 2017 Lecturer for Civil Law at “Universitäre Fernstudien” Switzerland\\
*2008/2009 Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study Berlin\\
*Since 2008 Director of the Centre for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies, University of Zurich \\
*2009 - 2013 Board Member of the Swiss Academy for Humanities and Social Sciences\\
*2009 - 2016 Fellow at the Collegium Helveticum, ETH/University of Zurich \\
*Spring 2011 Visiting Professor at the University of California Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law\\
*2011/2012 Fellow at the Straus Institute for the Advanced Study in Law and Justice, NYU\\
*Spring 2015 Sabbatical leave in Bangalore, India, and Swissnex San Francisco\\
*Since 2015 Vice Dean for International Affairs at the Law Faculty, UZH \\
*Spring 2017 Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna, Biomedical Law and Bioethics\\
__Memberships in Boards (selection)__
*Since 2015 President of the National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics, Switzerland\\
*Since 2018  Advisory Board Fachbeirat Pflege- und Adoptionskinder Schweiz, PACH\\
*Since 2017 Board of the Swiss Society in Biomedical Ethics\\
*Since 2017 ELSI- Advisory Board Swiss Personalized Health Network \\
*Since 2021 Director of the University Research Priority Program "Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R"\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit abuchler}][{ALLOW upload abuchler}][{ALLOW comment All}]