!!Maciej Banach - Biography
Prof. Banach has published over 1500 original articles, reviews, editorials, and book chapters in the field of hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiology, and risk stratification. His combined IF (for only full-text manuscripts) is over 20,000 pts, number of citations (May 2024): 83,396  (acc. Web of Science Core Collection/Publons), 100,483 (acc. SCOPUS), 113,547 (acc. ResearchGate), and 145,533 (acc. Google Scholar), Hirsch’s Index = 100 (WoS/Publons), 102 (SCOPUS), 119 (ResearchGate) and 129 (i10-index: 773) (Google Scholar) – being within 1% the highest cited scientists in the world (in the research area of Clinical Medicine and Pharmacology and Toxicology) according to Essential Science Indicators by Clarivate (with 57 TOP Papers), and being classified in top 5 the most cited people in Poland of all areas based on Research.com (4) and AD Scientific Index 2024 (3rd in last 6 years H Index). Prof. Banach is also within top 5 worldwide experts according to ExpertScape in the field statins (3), dyslipidemias (5), cholesterol (3), lipoproteins (5), lipoproteins LDL (5), and HDL cholesterol (4). He is also a 1% Top Reviewer in the areas of Clinical Medicine and Cross-Field (in 2018 and 2019) by Publons/Clarivate and Publons Academy Mentor. \\
He is a Founder and Head of the Polish Lipid Association (PoLA) (2011-), Founder of the Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration (LBPMC) Group (2012-; www.lbpmcgroup.com) – a group of over 150 worldwide experts aimed to investigate the most important issues in the field of lipid disorders, hypertension, nutrition and cardiovascular risk, as well as the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP; https://ilep.eu) (2015-), which has been founded to prepare recommendations in the area of preventive cardiology in the most debatable issues that have not been covered in the existing guidelines. He is also a member of the REPROGRAM Consortium – a group of experts challenging with Covid-19 pandemic, CArdiometabolic Panel of International Experts on Syndemic COVID-19 (CAPISCO), ORCHESTRA Project – EU project dedicated to long-Covid research, and member of 2 largest worldwide databases – the Global Burden of Disease (GDB) (University of Washington, Seattle, US) and Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC, Imperial College of London, UK). He is also Founder and President of the foundation – Think-Tank “Innovation for Health”, which gathers six main health research institutes and over 40 medical business representatives in Poland with main aim to make innovations in the medical area in Poland.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mbanach}][{ALLOW upload mbanach}][{ALLOW comment All}]