!!Jelle Barentsz - Selected Publications
Web of Science Clarivate: H-index 78; 25,855 citations, 386 publications. Google Scholar: H-index: 99. \\
1. Barentsz, J.O., Richenberg, J., Clements, R., Choyke, P., Verma, S., Villeirs, G., Rouviere, O., Logager, V., Fütterer, J.J. ESUR prostate MR guidelines. European Radiology, 2012;22(4):746 (2652 citations). DOI: 10.1007/s00330-011-2377-y (1772 citations, best cited paper of European Radiology ever) IF 5.3.\\
This is the groundbreaking publication that introduced the PI-RADS scoring system for prostate cancer MRI. PI-RADS is now the world standard and has led to the acceptance of prostate MRI in international guidelines. Thanks to this standardized prostate MRI every year, 1,000,000 men do not undergo an unnecessary 12-needle biopsy, and overdiagnosis is significantly reduced. \\
2. Harisinghani, M.G.,* Barentsz, J.*, Hahn, P.F., Deserno, W.M., Tabatabaei, S., Van de Kaa, C.H., De la Rosette, J., Weissleder, R. (*joint first-author). Noninvasive detection of clinically occult lymph-node metastases in prostate cancer. New England Journal of Medicine. 2003;348 (25):2491. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa022749 (1467 citations), IF 91.2.\\
This paper introduced USPIO-MRI, a technique that specifically visualizes macrophages and enables the detection of very small (2 mm) lymph node metastases. \\
3. van der Leest, M., Cornel, E., Israël, B., Hendriks, R., Padhani, A.R., Hoogenboom, M., Zamecnik, P., Bakker, D., Setiasti, A.Y., Veltman, J., van den Hout, H., van der Lelij, H., van Oort, I., Klaver, S., Debruyne, F., Sedelaar, M., Hannink, G., Rovers, M., Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, C., Barentsz, J.O. Head-to-head Comparison of Transrectal Ultrasound-guided Prostate Biopsy Versus Multiparametric Prostate Resonance Imaging with Subsequent Magnetic Resonance-guided Biopsy in Biopsy-naïve Men with Elevated Prostate-specific Antigen: A Large Prospective Multicenter Clinical Study. European Urology, 2019;75 (4):570-578.\\
DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2018.11.023 (372 citations, top 10 most cited papers European Urology), IF 20.1.\\
This paper was one of the 4 papers that changed the diagnostic prostate cancer guidelines; #9 at most cited paper in European Urology. \\
4. Weinreb, J.C.*, Barentsz, J.O.*, Choyke, P.L., Cornud, F., Haider, M.A., Macura, K.J., Margolis, D., Schnall, M.D., Shtern, F., Tempany, C.M., Thoeny, H.C., Verma, S. (*joint-first author). PI-RADS Prostate Imaging - Reporting and Data System: 2015, Version 2. European Urology, 2016;69(1):16. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2015.08.052 (1,786 citations), IF 20.1.\\
This paper describes the second version of PI-RADS .\\
5. Turkbey, B., Rosenkrantz, A.B., Haider, M.A., Padhani, A.R., Villeirs, G., Macura, K.J., Tempany, C.M., Choyke, P.L., Cornud, F., Margolis, D.J., Thoeny, H.C., Verma, S., Barentsz, J.*, Weinreb, J.C.* (*joint-senior authors). Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System Version 2.1: 2019 Update of Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System Version 2. European Urology, 2019;76(3):340. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2019.02.033 (716 citations, most cited paper European Urology since 2019), IF 20.1.\\
This paper describes the third version of PI-RADS. #1 at most cited paper in European Urology.\\
6. Panebiancoa V, Narumib Y, Altun E, Bochnerd BH, Efstathiou JH, Hafeez S, Huddart B, Kennish S, Lerner S, MontironI R, Muglia VF, Salomon G, ThomaS S, Vargasn HA, Witjes JA, Takeuchi M, Barentsz J*, Catto JWF* (*joint-senior authors). Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Bladder Cancer: Development of VI-RADS (Vesical Imaging-Reporting And Data System). European Urology, 2018;74(3):294. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2018.04.029 (200 citations). IF 20.1. \\
This paper introduced the structured scoring system for assessing deep muscle invasion in bladder cancer. \\
7. de Rooij M,  Israël B,  Tummers M, Ahmed HU,  Barrett T,   Giganti F,  Hamm B,  Løgager V,  Padhani A,  Panebianco V,  Puech P,  Richenberg J,  Rouvière O,  Salomon G,  Schoots I,  Veltman J,  Villeirs G,  Walz J, Barentsz JO. ESUR/ESUI consensus statements on multi-parametric MRI for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer: quality requirements for image acquisition, interpretation and radiologists’ training. European Radiology, 2020;30:5404. (104 citations). IF 5.3. \\
Based on the consensus of European experts, this paper describes the quality control guidelines for prostate MRI.\\
8. Engels, R.R.M., Israël, B., Padhani, A.R., Barentsz, J.O. Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer: What Urologists Need to Know. Part 1: Acquisition. European Urology, 2020;77(4):457. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2019.09.021. (40 citations). IF 20.1. \\
This is part 1 of 4 educational papers in European Urology (I am the senior author of all) that describe acquisition, interpretation, and biopsy (transrectal and transperineal).\\
9. van der Leest, M., Israël, B., Cornel, E.B., Zámecnik, P., Schoots, I.G., van der Lelij, H., Padhani, A.R., Rovers, M., van Oort, I., Sedelaar, M., Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, C., Hannink, G., Veltman, J., Barentsz, J.\\
High Diagnostic Performance of Short Magnetic Resonance Imaging Protocols for Prostate Cancer Detection in Biopsy-naïve Men: The Next Step in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Accessibility. European Urology, 2019;76(5):574. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2019.05.029 (81 citations) IF 20.1.\\
Shorter non-contrast MRI protocols do not compromise the detection of harmful disease. This increases MRI capacity at lower direct costs. \\
10. Penzkofer T, Padhani AR, Turkbey B, Haider MA, Huisman H, Walz j, Salomon G, Schoots IG, Richenberg J, Villeirs G, Panebianco V, Rouviere O, Logager V, Barentsz J. ESUR/ESUI position paper: developing artificial intelligence for precision diagnosis of prostate cancer using magnetic resonance imaging. European Radiology 2021;31:9567. DOI: 10.1007/s00330-021-08021-6 (11 citations). IF 5.3.\\
This white paper identified several areas of artificial intelligence in the development of prostate cancer detection and outlines an envisioned direction of travel. Initial work should focus on AI developments to support radiologists’ workflows and to target outlining tasks for fusion biopsies. The development of AI systems as clinical decision-making tools will follow.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jbarentsz}][{ALLOW upload jbarentsz}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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