!!!Peter John Barnes
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__Present and Previous Positions__
* Professor of Thoracic Medicine, National Heart & Lung Institute, London; Head of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London
* Honorary Consultant Physician, Royal Brompton Hospital, London
* 1985-1987: Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiothoracic Institute, University of London 
* 1982-1985: Consultant Physician and Senior Lecturer, Hammersmith Hospital, London.
* 1981-1982 MRC Travelling Fellowship, Cardiovascular Research Institute, San Francisco, USA 
* 1979-1982: Senior Registrar (General and Respiratory Medicine), Hammersmith Hospital, London
* 1978-1979: MRC Research Fellow, Dept of Clinical Pharmacology, Hammersmith Hospital London
* 1975-1978: Medical Registrar (General Medicine), University College Hospital, London
* 1975: Senior House Office (Neurology), National Hospital, London 
* 1974: Senior House Office (Thoracic Medicine), Brompton Hospital, London
* 1972-1973: House Physician/Surgeon, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
* 2011: President Elect, European Respiratory Society
* 2011: Fellow of St Catharine’s College, Cambridge, UK
* 2010: Honorary MD, Leuven University, Belgium
* 2009: Senior Investigator, National Institute of Health Research, UK
* 2009: Croonian Lecture, Royal College of Physicians, London
* 2008: British Thoracic Society Gold Medal
* 2007: European Respiratory Society Presidential Award, 
* 2007: Fellow of Royal Society (first respiratory scientist for >150 years)
* 2006: Honorary MD, University of Tampere, Finland
* 2002: American College of Chest Physicians: College Medallist
* 2000: Honorary MD, University of Athens, Greece
* 1998: Fellow of Academy of Medical Science (Founding Fellow)
* 1999: Sadoul Lecture, European Respiratory Society (most prestigious lecture of society)
* 1997: Honorary MD, University of Ferrara, Italy
* 1997: William Withering Lecture, Royal College of Physicians, London
* 1996: Amberson Lecture, American Thoracic Society (most prestigious lecture of society)
* 1994: Leon Goldberg Prize, University of Chicago
* 1990: Linacre Medal, Royal College of Physicians, London

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[Curriculum Vitae |User/Barnes_Peter_John/CV]
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[Publication list|User/Barnes_Peter_John/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Barnes_Peter_John/Highlight]
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[Other information|User/Barnes_Peter_John/OtherInformation]

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