!!Stefan Bauer - Curriculum Vitae
__Current Position__\\
Lecturer in Early Modern History, Department of History, King’s College London \\
*Habilitation  Early Modern History (venia legendi and title of 'Privatdozent'), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2018\\
*PhD  Combined Historical Studies, Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Studies, University of London, 2004 \\
*MA  Combined Historical Studies: The Renaissance, Warburg Institute, London, 1999  \\
*MA  History and German, University of Aachen, Germany, 1998
__Learned Society Appointments__
*Councillor and Trustee of the Royal Historical Society (RHS) (2021 - 2025) \\
*Royal Historical Society, Publications Committee; RHS, Research Support Committee; Alexander Prize Panel (Chair); David Berry Prize Panel (2021)\\
*Sixteenth Century Society: Director of Social Media (2021); Grimm Prize Committee (2022); Technology and Sustainability SCSC Council Committee (2023)\\
*Renaissance Society of America, Programme Committee (2021)
__Other Service to the Profession (Selection)__
*Member, Arts and Humanities Research Council Peer Review College (2022–25)\\
*Co-Convenor, Institute of Historical Research London, Seminar on Italy, 1200 - 1700 (2022)\\
*Member, Committee for the National Doctorate in Religious Studies, University of Modena, Italy (2022)\\
*External reviewer, Grant applications, National Science Centre, Poland (2021)\\
*Expert evaluator, Horizon Europe, European Commission, reviewing Marie Curie Fellowship applications\\
*Chair and Founder, Marie Curie Alumni Association, UK Chapter\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit sbauer6420}][{ALLOW upload sbauer6420}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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