!!Francesco Becattini - Curriculum Vitae
*1993-1995 Ph.D. studentship in experiment L3. Worked in the hadron group analysis at CERN for 2 years (1993-1994).\\
*1995 First theoretical paper (n. 10 in the main publication list) about statistical hadronization in e+e-\\
*1996-1999 INFN Post-doctoral fellow.  Continued theoretical work on the statistical model in various collisions demonstrating its success in reproducing particle rates. Joined relativistic heavy ion physics community around 1997.\\
*1999-present  Professor with the University of Florence. \\
*2002-2005 Initiator and principal investigator of the first INFN project (FI31) on relativistic heavy ion physics, involving about 15 physicists throughout Italy.\\
*2008-present Principal investigator of the INFN project (RM31) on heavy ion physics, involving about 35 physicists throughout Italy, including internationally well known in scientists as M. Nardi, V. Greco, W. Alberico, etc.\\
*2013 Sabbatical leave at FIAS, Frankfurt. 
__Short Visits:__ 
*1997 - Bielefeld University\\
*2006 - Cape Town University\\
*2008 - MIT\\
*2009 - MIT
Becattini's main contribution to the field of relativistic heavy ion physics has been concerned with the modelling and understanding of the production of different particle species and of strangeness production comparing it with elementary collisions. Besides highly quoted papers, he gave many invited talks in conferences, workshops and seminars from 1997 to date and have been invited coauthor of the review book "Relativistic heavy ion physics" (n. 4 in the main publication list).
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Recently, he got interested and published several papers about the role of spin and polarization in relativistic hydrodynamics and its possible observation in peripheral heavy ion collisions. He also wrote several papers about fundamental quantum features of relativistic hydrodynamics which have raised the interest of general relativity and cosmology community.
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He has been a member of several funded projects by the Ministry of Education and Research (PRIN) and lately he is the principal investigator of the project. He has been also involved in EU research networks.