!!Heike Behrens - Curriculum Vitae
*Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Netherlands 2009, 2014, 2018\\
*Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies 1996 \\
*Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Germany 2005\\
*Center for Research in Language, University California San Diego, US 2002, 2005\\
*Senior External Fellow Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies 2010
*2014 - 2016 Ladenburger Kolleg: Sprachstandsermittlung bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund. Daimler & Benz Foundation. Joint Project of researchers at the Universities Munich, Heidelberg, Saarbrücken, Basel and MPI Nijmegen. \\
*2016 Contributions to CALP2 conference (SNF, FAG, HPSL)\\
*2009 - 2014 DFG-Graduiertenkolleg (Graduate School) Frequenzeffekte an der Universität Freiburg im Breisgau (Linguistik und Kognitionswissenschaft (DFG GRK 1624/1): Co-applicant for and co-speaker of the 1st generation of the Graduate School\\
*2008 - 2012 SNF Pro*Doc (Graduate School) Sprache als soziale und kulturelle Praxis (Bern, Basel, Zürich, HS 2008-HS 2012). Leiterin des Forschungsmoduls Typisierte Sprache (co-applicants: Prof. Annelies Häcki Buhofer (Basel) und Prof. Angelika Linke (Zürich).
*Review Committee for Postdoc Mobility Grants (SNF, since October 2017) \\
*Member of the Schweizer Wissenschafts- und Innovationsrates (SWIR, Swiss Science and Innovation Council. (1.7.2009-31.12.2015) (advisory committee for Swiss government on issues of research, evaluation and innovation)\\
*Executive Committee Member of the International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL) (2011-2015)\\
*Founding director (with Stefan Pfänder) of the International Graduate School Herrmann Paul School of Linguistics Basel Freiburg, 1.8.2011 -31.07.2013.\\
*External Scientific Member of the Interdisziplinäres Zentrums für Lexikografie, Valenz- und Kollokationsforschung at the Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Juli 2010-).
*Editor, Journal of Child Language (January 2011-December 2015)\\
*Associate Editor (August 2010) and Co-Editor (2011) Journal of Child Language \\
*Board of Consulting Editors, Linguistics, since 2003\\
*Member of the advisory board of the book series "Corpus Linguistics and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Language" (CLIP). Mannheim: Institut für deutsche Sprache (2011-)\\ \\