!!Irina Beletskaya - Curriculum Vitae
__Scientific Activity:__
*Research at the boundary of organoelement compounds in organic synthesis and catalysis\\
*More than 1000 papers (200 in international journals)\\
*4 Monographs: "Reaction Mechanisms of Organometallic Compounds" (North Holland Publ. Company, 1968, 466 pp), "CH-acids" (Pergamon Press, 1978, 306 pp, "Ambident Anions" (Plenum, 1983, 338 pp), "Reactions of metalloorganic Compounds as Redox-process" (Nauka, Moscow, 1981, 336 pp)\\
*11 Books chapters\\
*40 Review articles (Chem. Rev., Tetrahedron, Pure Appl. Chem., Rus.Chem.Rev.)\\
*Supervisor of 80 completed PhD and 16 DSc's\\
*80 Plenary and invited lectures at international conferences\\
*86 Lectures at Universities/Industry outside Russia
__Responsibilities Abroad__
*President and Vice-president of Organic Chemistry Division, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (1987-1991)\\
*Vice-Chair, IUPAC Committee on Chemical Weapons Destruction (1991 - 2005)\\
*Chairperson of Editorial Advisory Board for Chemistry for the XXI-st Century Monographs, IUPAC (1991 - 1999)\\
*Member of Scientific Council of INTAS (1999 - 2001)\\
*Member of European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) (1998 - to date)\\
*Member of Editorial Boards of the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, Mendeleev Communications, Chemistry A European Journal, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, Chemistry Letters, Organometallics (2003 - 2005)\\
*Member of International Scientific Committee of IUPAC Conferences OMCOS, ICOS, ICPOC\\
*Representative of IUPAC on IUPAC Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry Directed Towards Organic Synthesis (OMCOS 5-11) (Florence, 1989; Utrecht, 1991; Kobe, 1993; Santa-Barbara, 1995; Gottingen, 1997; Versailles, 1999; Taipei, 2001); International Conference on Organic Synthesis (ICOS) (Helsinky, 1992; Amsterdam, 1996); IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry (Regensburg, 1986); European Symposium on Organic Chemistry (ESOC-13) (Cavtat-Dubrovnik, 2003); International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC-7), (Shanghai, 2004)
__National Services (National Scientific Tasks):__
*Editor-in-Chief of Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry\\
*Member of Editorial Board of Russian Proceeding of Academy of Science\\
*Member of Scientific Council on Catalysis of Russian Academy of Science\\
*Member of Scientific Council on Organic Chemistry of Russian Academy of Science\\
*Member of Scientific Council of Moscow State University\\
*Member of Scientific academic board of Department of Chemistry Moscow State University\\
*Member of Scientific academic board of Institute of Chemical Physics of Russian Academy of Science\\ \\