!!Michele Benzi - Selected Publications
1. "A Finite Element Method for Quantum Graphs", IMA Journal of Numer. Anal., 38 (2018), 1119-1163 [[with Mario Arioli].\\Cited 6 times in Google Scholar (GS) as of 03/17/2019.\\
2. "Localization in Matrix Computations: Theory and Computation", Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2173 (2017), Springer, New York, pp. 211-317. Cited 13 times in GS.\\
3. "Decay Bounds for Functions of Hermitian Matrices with Banded or Kronecker Structure", SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 36 (2015), pp. 1263--1282 [[with Valeria Simoncini].  Cited 30 times in GS.\\
4. "Decay Properties of Spectral Projectors with Applications to Electronic Structure", SIAM Review, 55 (2013), pp. 3-64 [[with Paola Boito and Nader Razouk]. Cited 98 times in GS.\\
5. "Total Communicability as a Centrality Measure", Journal of Complex Networks, 1 (2103), pp. 124-149 [[with Christine Klymko].\\Cited 90 times in GS.\\
6. "The Physics of Communicability in Complex Networks", Physics Reports, 514 (2012), pp. 89-119 [[with Ernesto Estrada and Naomichi Hatano]. Cited 182 times in GS.\\
7. "An Augmented Lagrangian Approach to the Oseen Problem", SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 28 (2006), pp. 2095-2113\\[[with Maxim Olshanskii]. Cited 196 times in GS.\\
8. "Numerical Solution of Saddle Point Problems", Acta Numerica 14 (2005), pp. 1-137 [[with Gene H. Golub and Joerg Liesen]. \\Cited 1968 times in GS.\\
9. "A Preconditioner for Generalized Saddle Point Problems", SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 26 (2004), pp. 20-41 [[with Gene H. Golub].  Cited 378 times in GS.\\
10. "Preconditioning Techniques for Large Linear Systems: A Survey", Journal of Computational Physics, 182 (2002), pp. 418-477.\\Cited 1232 times in GS.