!!Other Information !Ph.D.'s supervised (as of June 2010) in chronological order *1.Theodorus (Theo) P. van der Weide, Datastructures: an axiomatic approach and the use of binomial trees in developing and analyzing algorithms, RU Leiden 4-16-1980, (1th promotor prof dr A.A. Ollongren, 2nd promotor prof dr J. van Leeuwen, referent dr J.A. Bergstra) *2.W. Pieter (Peter) Weijland, Synchrony and asynchrony in process algebra, UvA 6-15-1989, (copromotor dr J.C.M. Baeten) *3.Frits W. Vaandrager, Algebraic techniques for conccurrency and their application, UvA 2-2-1990, *4.Lou M. G. Feys, A formalization of design methods, TU/e 2-23-1990, (1th promotor prof dr F.E.J. Kruseman Aretz) *5.Willem Jonker, The design and implementation of a knowledge representation and processing language, U Utrecht 3-23-1990, (2nd promotor prof dr J. Treur) *6.Robert J. van Glabbeek, Comparative concurrency semantics and refinement of actions, VU 5-16-1990, (1th promotor prof dr J.W. Klop, referent prof dr G. Winskel) *7.Cornelis (Kees) A. Middelburg, Syntax and semantics for VVSL, a language for structured VDM specifications, UvA 9-27-1990, (2nd promotor prof dr C.B. Jones) *8.Linda C. van der Gaag, Probability-based models for plausible reasoning, UvA 9-26-1990, (2e promotor prof dr R.D. Gill) *9.Johan Zuidweg, Concurrent system verification with process algebra, U Leiden 11-8-1990, (1e promotor prof dr A. Ollongren, referent prof dr A. Mazurkiewicz) *10.Johannes (Hans) C. Mulder, Case studies in process specification and verification, UvA 12-12-1990, (copromotor dr C.P.J. Koymans) *11.Joseph L. M. Vrancken, Studies in process algebra, algebraic specifications and parallelism, UvA 4-9-1991, (2nd promotor prof dr P. Klint) *12.Jan Friso Groote, Process algebra and structured operational semantics, UvA 11-1-1991, (copromotor dr J.C.M. Baeten ) *13.Frederik (Freek) Wiedijk, Persistence in algebraic specifications, UvA 12-12-1991, (1th promotor prof dr P. Klint) *14.Sjouke Mauw, PSF- a process specification formalism, UvA 12-18-1991, (2nd promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *15.Christiaan Verhoef, Linear unary operators in process algebra, UvA 6-1-1992 *16.Alban Ponse, Process algebras with data, UvA 6-9-1992, (2nd promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *17.Jan Gustafsson, Abstract datatypes for communication protocols: specification, implementation and validation, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, These No 1076 1992 (rapporteur prof C. Petitpierre, corappoteurs: prof J. Bergstra, prof B. Faltings, dr E. Mumprecht) *18.Leen Helmink, Tools for proofs and programs, UvA 3-19-1993, (2nd promotor dr P. Klint, 3th promotor prof dr H. P. Barendregt) *19.A. Stefanus (Steven) Klusener, Models and axioms for a fragment of real time process algebra, TU/e 12-10-1993, (1th promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *20.Nicoline J. Drost, Process theory and equation solving, UvA 2-10-1994, (copromotor dr I. Bethke ) *21.Henri P. Korver, Protocol verification in muCRL, UvA 6-29-1994, (2nd promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *22.Willem Jan (Wan) Fokkink, Clocks, trees and stars in process theory, UvA 12-1-1994, (2nd promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *23.J. Jacobus (Jacob) Brunekreef, On modular algebraic protocol specification, UvA 2-17-1995 *24.Gerrit (Gert) J. Veltink, Tools for PSF, UvA 6-9-1995 *25.Jacobus J. (Jos) van Wamel, Verification techniques for elementary data types and retransmission protocols, UvA 9-15-1995, (copromotor dr P.H. Rodenburg) *26.Javier O. Blanco, The state operator in process algebra, TU/e 1-30-1996, (1th promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *27.M. P. Alexander (Alex) Sellink, Computer-aided verification of protocols, U Utrecht 2-27-1996, (copromotor dr ir J.F. Groote) *28.Jan C. (Jaco) van der Pol, Termination of higher order rewrite systems, U Utrecht 12-11-1996, (copromotor dr M. Bezem) *29.Joris A. Hillebrand, Experiments in Specification Re-engineering, UvA 12-12-1996, (copromotor dr M.G.J. van den Brand ) *30.Erik Kwast, Protocol data dependencies with an application in conformance test generation, U Utrecht 10-31-1997 *31.Doeko J. B. Bosscher, Grammars modulo bisimulation, UvA 10-23-1997, (copromotor dr A. Ponse) *32.Jan Joris Vereijken, Discrete-time process algebra, TU/e 12-18-1997, (1th promotor prof dr J.C.M. Baeten) *33.Sebastiaan F. M. van Vlijmen, Algebraic specification in action, U Utrecht 9-18-1998 *34.Marcus J. Hollenberg, Logic and bisimulation, U Utrecht 3-12-1998, (copromotor dr A. Visser) *35.Gertjan Kamsteeg, Formalization of process algebra with data in the calculus of constructions with inductive types, U Leiden 5-18-1999, (1th promotor prof dr A. Ollongren) *36.Rene L. Krikhaar, Software architecture reconstruction, UvA 6-29-1999, (copromotor dr C. Verhoef) *37.Arno G. Wouters, Explanation without a cause, U Utrecht 11-3-1999, (1th promotor prof dr A.A. Derksen) *38.Karl M. M. de Leeuw, Cryptology and statecraft in the Dutch republic, UvA 1-25-2000, (2nd promotor prof dr N.C.F. van Sas ) *39.Roberto Poli, ALWIS: ontology for knowledge engineers, U Utrecht 2-21-2001 *40.Sebastiaan (Bas) Pascal Luttik, Choice quantification in process algebra, UvA 4-3-2002, (2nd promotor prof dr ir J.F. Groote) *41.Mark B. van der Zwaag, Models and logics for process algebra, UvA 10-11-2002 *42.R. Dimitri A. Hendriks, Metamathematics in Coq, U Utrecht 10-31-2003, (2nd promotor prof dr M. Bezem) *43.Guus P. A. J. Delen, Decision- en controlfactoren voor IT-sourcing, UvA 5-17-2005, (2nd promotor prof dr C. Verhoef ) *44.Vu Thuy Duong, Semantics and applications of process and program algebra, UvA 2-13-2007, (copromotores dr I. Bethke and dr A. Ponse) *45.Bob Diertens, Software Engineering with Process Algebra, UvA 10-29-09, (copromotor dr. A. Ponse) \\ ---- !Any further pages in alphabetic order of their title as created by you.\\ Just click at "Create new page", then type a short title and click OK, then add information on the empty page presented to you (including maybe a picture from your harddisk or a pdf-file by using the "Upload" Button) and finally click at "Save".\\ [{CategoryIndexPlugin category='User/Bergstra_Jan/OtherInformation'}]