!!Kathleen Beullens - Selected Publications
1. Geusens, F., & Beullens, K. (2023). I See, Therefore I am: Exposure to Alcohol References on Social Media, but Not on Traditional Media, Is Related to Alcohol Consumption via Drinking and Non-Drinking Identity. Health Communication, 38(2), 402-410.\\
2. Meeus, A., Beullens, K., & Eggermont, S. (2022) Social Media, Unsocial Distraction? Testing the Associations between Preadolescents' SNS Use and Belonging via Two Pathways. Media Psychology. Online first. \\
3. Vranken, S., Beullens, K., Geyskens, D., & Matthes, J. (2022) Under the influence of (alcohol) influencers? A qualitative study examining Belgian adolescents' evaluations of alcohol-related Instagram images from influencers. Journal of Children and Media. Online first. \\
4. Geusens, F., Beullens, K. (2021). Self-Reported versus Actual Alcohol-Related Communication on Instagram: Exploring the Gap. Health Communication, 1-11.\\
5. Kurten, S., Beullens, K. (2020). #Coronavirus: Monitoring the Belgian Twitter Discourse on the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Pandemic. Cyberpsychology Behavior And Social Networking, 1-6. \\
6. Geusens, F., Beullens, K. (2020). Triple Spirals? A Three-Wave Panel Study on the Longitudinal Associations Between Social Media Use and Young Individuals’ Alcohol Consumption. Media Psychology, 1-26. \\
7. Meeus, A., Beullens, K., Eggermont, S. & Meeus, A. (2019). Like me (please?): Connecting online self-presentation to pre-and early adolescents’ self-esteem. New Media & Society, 21 (11-12), 2386-2403. \\
8. Geusens, F., Beullens, K. (2018). The Association between Social Networking Sites and Alcohol Abuse among Belgian Adolescents: The Role of Attitudes and Social Norms. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 30 (4), 207-216. \\
9. Beullens, K., Vandenbosch, L. (2016). A Conditional Process Analysis on the Relationship between the Use of Social Networking Sites, Attitudes, Peer Norms and Adolescents’ Intentions to Consume Alcohol. Media Psychology, 19 (2), 310-333. \\
10.  Beullens, K., Rhodes, N., Eggermont, S. (2016). Behavioral activation and inhibition as moderators of the relationship between music-video viewing and joyriding attitudes. Media Psychology, 19 (2), Art.No. 10.1080/15213269.2014.950756, 181-202.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit kbeullens}][{ALLOW upload kbeullens}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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