!!Gideon Biger - Curriculum Vitae

*Army Service 1963-1971. Army rank  - Major\\
*1970 BA in History and Geography, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel\\
*1974 MA in Geography (CUM LAUDE)\\
*1976 - 1978 Research Student, Department of Geography, University College, London\\
*1979 PH.D in Geography   - Hebrew University of  Jerusalem\\
*1980 Lecturer, Department of Geography, Tel Aviv University\\
*1983 Senior Lecturer\\
*1986 Visiting Prof. - Dept. of Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, USA\\
*1987 - 1989  Chairperson - Dept. of Geography, Tel Aviv University\\
*1992 Visiting Prof. University of Melbourne, Australia\\
*1996 Associate Prof. Tel Aviv University\\
*1998 - 2000 Chairperson – Dept of Geography, Tel Aviv University\\
*2000 - 2001 member of the Israel team for the Peace negotiation with Syria and   the Palestinian Authority as a Boundary expert\\
*2001 - 2004 Chairperson of the Israeli association for Military History\\
*2006 - Full Prof. Tel Aviv University\\
*2007 - Visiting Prof. University of Arizona, Tucson, USA\\
*2013 - 2004 Visiting Prof. University of Wroclaw, Poland\\
*2014 Emeritus Prof. Tel Aviv University, Israel
__Main Publication__\\
1.  Crown Colony or National home, Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem, 1983 (Hebrew)\\
2.  Ideology and landscape in historical perspective (Ed. With Alan R.H. Baker), Cambridge University Press, 1992\\
3.  An Empire in the Holy Land, St. Martin Press, New York, 1994\\
4.  The Encyclopedia of International Boundaries, Fact on Files, New York, 1995\\
5.  Land of Many Boundaries, (Hebrew) Ben Gurion University, 2001\\
6-9. The history of Tel Aviv, 4 volumes, (With Y. Shavit), Tel Aviv University, 2001 -2013, (In Hebrew)\\ \\