!!Gunn Elisabeth Birkelund - Publications
__Most cited publications:__ \\
Wright, E.O.; Baxter, J.; Birkelund, G.E. (1995) The gender gap in workplace authority: A cross-national study, American Sociological Review, 407-435.\\
Rosenfeld, R.A.; Birkelund, G.E. (1995) Women's part-time work: A cross-national comparison, European Sociological Review 11 (2), 111-134.\\
__Recent publications:__\\
Birkelund, G.E.; Johannessen, L.E. F.; Rasmussen, E. B. & Rogstad, J. (2020). Experience, stereotypes and discrimination. Employers’ reflections on their hiring behavior. European Societies. doi: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1775273.\\
Jansson, F.; Lillehagen, M. & Birkelund, G. E. (2020). Segregation within school classes: Detecting social clustering in choice data. PLOS ONE.  ISSN 1932-6203. \\
Birkelund, G. E.; Chan, T. W.; Ugreninov, E.; Midtbøen, A. H. & Rogstad, J. (2019). Do terrorist Attacks Affect Ethnic Discrimination in the Labour Market? Evidence from Two Randomised Field Experiments. British Journal of Sociology, 70: 241- 260.  \\
Joye, D.; Birkelund, G. E. & Lemel, Y. (2019). Traveling with Albert Gifi: Nominal, Ordinal and Interval Approaches in Comparative Studies of Social and Cultural Spaces, In Blasius, J.; Lebaron, F.; Le Roux, B. & Schmitz, A. (ed.),  Empirical Investigations of Social Space.  Springer. Pp. 393 – 410.\\
Brandén, M.; Birkelund, G. E. & Szulkin, R. (2018). Ethnic Composition of Schools and Students’ Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Sweden. International Migration Review.  s 1- 32. \\
Larsen, E. N.; Rogne, A. F. & Birkelund, G. E. (2018). Perfect for the Job? Overqualification of Immigrants and their Descendants in the Norwegian Labor Market. Social Inclusion.   6(3), s 78- 103. \\
Birkelund, G. E.; Heggebø, K. & Rogstad, J. (2017). Additive or Multiplicative Disadvantage? The Scarring Effects of Unemployment for Ethnic Minorities. European Sociological Review. 33(1), s 17- 29.  \\
Birkelund, G. E. (2016). Rational Laziness - When Time Is Limited, Supply Abundant, and Decisions Have to Be Made. Analyse & Kritik. Zeitschrift für Sozialtheorie. ISSN 0171-5860.  38, s 203- 226. \\
Birkelund, G. E. (2016). Rational Laziness - When Time Is Limited, Supply Abundant, and Decisions Have to Be Made. Analyse & Kritik. Zeitschrift für Sozialtheorie. 38: 203- 226.\\
Google scholar H-index 22, i10-index 35 (read 25.03.21)