!!Dines Bjørner: Bibliographical Notes and Publication List Research\\
Professor of Computing Science (Emeritus). Fredsvej 11, DK-2840 Holte, Denmark\\
Dr.h.c., MAE, MRANS (AB), ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow\\
June 1, 2010\\ \\

!See [Dines Bjoerner's full Bibliography on his own page|http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~db/node3.html]
The Bibliography contains also pictures of the covers of his many books. A few of the chiense ones are shown below:\\

[{Image src='Books1.jpg' caption='' height='170' alt='Books1'}]
[{Image src='Books2.jpg' caption='' height='170' alt='Books2.jpg'}]

!See also [Summary of Dines Bjorner as PDF File here|ae-db-bib.pdf]