!!!Adriaan Blaauw
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Adriaan Blaauw passed away December 1, 2010.
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__Positions held__
*1975 - 1981 Full Professor at Leiden University
*1976 - 1979 President of the International Astronomical Union
*1970 to 1975 General Director of the European Southern Observatory
*1957 Director of the "Kapteyn Astronomical Institute" in Groningen
*1953 - 1957 Employment at the Yerkes Observatory
*1948 Associate Professor at Leiden
__Fields of Scholarship__
__Honours and Awards__
*1989 Bruce Medal
*1997 the University of Groningen instituted a Blaauw chair and Blaauw lecture in Adriaan Blaauw's honour
*the asteroid 2145 Blaauw and the Blaauw Observatory are named after Adriaan Blaauw
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[Publication list|User/Blaauw_Adriaan/Publications]
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[Highlights of my work and anecdotes|User/Blaauw_Adriaan/Highlight]
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