!!Diane Bodart  - Selected Publications
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Forthcoming: La peinture au miroir de l'armure, Turnhout, Brepols \\

2022 Gribouillage/ Scarabocchio. De Léonard de Vinci à Cy Twombly, exhibition catalog, ed. and co-written with Francesca Alberti, Rome, Villa Médicis Editions/ Paris, Beaux-Arts éditions\\

2011 Pouvoirs du portrait sous les Habsbourg d’Espagne, Paris: CTHS/INHA\\

1998 Tiziano e Federico II Gonzaga. Storia di un rapporto di committenza, Rome: Bulzoni\\
__Edited books:__
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2024 Titian's Poetics. Selected Essays by David Rosand, ed. with Cleo Nisse, London, Harvey Miller\\

2020 Le grand âge et ses œuvres ultimes (XVIe-XXIe siècle), ed. with Jean Gribenski, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes\\

2018 Wearing Images, special issue of Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie VII, Historia del Arte, 6, (Madrid, UNED\\

2018  Rire en images à la Renaissance, ed. with Francesca Alberti, Turnhout, Brepols,\\
Edited sources:__  
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2012 [[Edition of Sources]: François Lemée, Traité des statuës (1688), ed. with Hendrik Ziegler, Weimar: VDG\\
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2020 - 2021 “Los borrones de Ticiano: The Venetian Brushstroke and its Spanish Translations”, Studiolo, 17,  p.120-141\\

2020 "The Mirror-Shield of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz,” in Representing Women’s Political Identity in the Early Modern Iberian World, ed. Jean Andrews and Jeremy Roe, London, Routledge,, p. 49-77\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dbodart}][{ALLOW upload dbodart}][{ALLOW comment All}]