!!Göran Bolin - Selected Publications \\ Bolin, G. & P. Ståhlberg. 2023. Managing Meaning in Ukraine: Information, Communication and Narration since the Euromaidan Revolution. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. \\ Kopecka-Piech, K. & G. Bolin. Eds. 2023. Current Challenges in Mediatization Research. London: Routledge.\\ Bakardjieva, M, S Bengtsson, G Bolin & K Engelbrekt. 2021. Digital Media and the Dynamics of Civil Society: Retooling Citizenship in New EU Democracies. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.\\ Bolin, G. 2016. Media Generations: Experience, Identity and Mediatised Social Change, London & New York: Routledge. \\ Bolin, G., V. Kalmus & R. Figueiras. 2023. Conducting Online Focus Group Interviews with Two Generations: Methodological Experiences and Reflections from the Pandemic Context. International Journal of Qualitative Methods 22: 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069231182029 \\ Bolin, G. & R. Kunelius. 2023. The Return of Propaganda: Historical legacies and contemporary conceptualisations. Nordic Journal of Media Studies, 5(1): 1-16. \\ Kalmus, V., G. Bolin and R. Figueiras. 2022. Who is Afraid of Dataveillance? Attitudes towards Online Surveillance in a Cross-Cultural and Generational Perspective. New Media & Society. Ahead of print https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448221134493 \\ Bolin, G. & J. Velkova. 2020. Audience-Metric Continuity? Approaching the Meaning of Measurement in the Digital Everyday. Media, Culture & Society 42(7-8): 1193-1209. \\ Bolin, G. & P. Ståhlberg. 2015. Mediating the Nation State: The Role of “The Media” in Nation Branding Campaigns. International Journal of Communication, 9: 3065–3083. \\ Bolin, G. 2014. Media generations: Objective and Subjective Media Landscapes and Nostalgia among Generations of Media Users, Participations 11, 2: 108-31.\\ Bolin, G. 2014. Institution, Technology, World : Relationships between the Media, Culture and Society, In: Mediatization of Communication, ed. Lundby, Knut, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2014, 175-197\\ Bolin, G. 2014. Television Journalism, Politics and Entertainment: Power and Autonomy in the Field of Television Journalism. Television and New Media, 15,4: 336-349. \\ Bolin, G. Ed. 2012. Cultural Technologies: The Shaping of Culture in Media and Society. Routledge.\\ Bolin, G. 2012. The Labour of Media Use: The Two Active Audiences. Information, Communication and Society, vol. 15(6): 796-814. \\ Bolin, G. 2012. The Forms of Value: Problems of Convertibility in Field Theory, tripleC (cognition, communication, co-operation): Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 10, 1: 33-41. \\ Bolin, G. 2011. Value and the Media: Cultural Production and Consumption in Digital Markets. Farnham: Ashgate.\\ Bolin, G. 2010. Domesticating the Mobile in Estonia, New Media and Society, 12, 1: 55-73.\\ Bolin, G. 2010. Digitization, Multiplatform Texts, and Audience Reception, Popular Communication, 8, 1: 72-83.\\ Bolin, G. 2009. Symbolic Production and Value in Media Industries, Journal of Cultural Economy, 2, 3: 345-361.\\ Bolin, G. & O. Westlund. 2009. Mobile Generations. The Role of the Mobile in the Shaping of Swedish Media Generations. International Journal of Communication, 3: 108-124. \\ \\ [Full publication list|http://bit.ly/1FKLaWq].